My View

Upcoming election
I received an anonymous call which was so anonymous the party called from a pay phone. The caller lives in the area where Vice Mayor Adam Trenk claims to live. The message was that Trenk is doing work on the property without town permits and that a complaint was filed with Building Inspector Richard Esposito at town hall and he was investigating. The caller said all of the neighbors around Trenk's address were afraid to complain. Small wonder since he is the most vindictive Jerseyite on the planet.
Esposito said Trenk had a permit to build a corral, however the caller said Trenk was doing far more than that.
I also received a call from a person in Scottsdale who says they have pictures to prove Trenk lives in Scottsdale. I expect to receive the photos shortly.
Several large organizations have signed on to help recall the slate councilmen. It will be obvious who they are as soon as they become petition gathers. I am receiving more calls offering to help eliminate the cancers in Cave Creek.
An organization called Arizona Free Enterprise Club sent a mailer which arrived in my mailbox last week titled, "The Town of Cave Creek Drew Bad Card." Remember in Trenk's first two year term, although he spent over $25,000 of mostly out of state family money he tied in the general election with Councilman Thomas McGuire and drew a winning card from a deck. In the most recent election he also spent more than $25,000. It appears he thinks Cave Creek voters are stupid and he can use us a stepping stone up the political ladder.
The Flyer went on: "Since winning his seat in a card draw, Adam Trenk has: Used his position as vice mayor to promote his company's special interest agenda. Pushed resolutions that align the Town of Cave Creek with Obama's liberal energy policies. Refused to recuse himself from council votes that directly benefit his company."
Linda Bentley had written the same thing about Trenk's refusal to recuse.
The reverse side of the flyer is titled "Adam Trenk's manual for abusing power. Step 1: Get elected to Cave Creek's council and serve as Vice Mayor. Step 2: Use position on town council to promote policies that directly benefit your employer and push Cave Creek to support the Obama's extreme energy agenda. Step 3: Introduce town resolution supporting corporate welfare for the solar industry without recusing yourself, thus creating a clear conflict of interest."
How true all that is. An embryo lawyer, he thinks he is a politician even though he is wet behind the ears.
I suspect there will be many more slate flyers considering the fact his family in New Jersey donated immense sums to Democrats and the Democrat Party. How did Trenk get an endorsement from John McCain when Trenk's family is so beholden to Democrat principles? And then Trenk chooses Rodney Glassman who ran against McCain in the last Congressional election. Politics are strange indeed and Trenk generally claims he is a Republican. But then who says McCain is Republican anyway; he is a Democrat in Republican clothes.
Recently in an "over the top" resolution concerning Glassman's "service" McGuire was the only councilman with the balls to vote NO. Glassman was a standing joke, creating fear and disdain among town employees.
The disgusting resolution is No. R2014-02. I wonder how the six who voted for it can stand to see their face in their mirror when they shave. Glassman was a political pawn for Trenk who wildly spent our tax dollars, angled for free food in local businesses and if he didn't get it he spent our tax dollars for his pleasures and political activities.
Trenk wants the public to believe Glassman was more than a pawn with no redeeming virtues for Trenk and that his firing of the best town manager in Cave Creek history was appropriate and legal. To add to the insanity, why did he insist publically that Abujbarah wouldn't sue? That fact explains he is what he is, a spoiled trust fund baby whose father regularly comes to council meetings to watch baby perform. What his denials show is lack of knowledge and integrity. He should spend his time lobbying, which is his "profession." The law degree simply creates an expectation by voters that he knows something about what he will be voting on. He has demonstrated little knowledge of law and extraordinarily bad judgment.
I have lived here since 1990 and have seen town managers come and go. The brightest light among them was Abujbarah. Trenk has spent some of the last four or five years here and much more in Scottsdale. He has proved his judgment is nonexistent and time has proven that he and his slavish slate lied to get into office. Since elected, they have shown they don't have a clue. After claiming the town was spending too much money, they passed Abujbarah's budget unanimously without a single change. The slate, with adoration for Trenk, hired an incompetent interim town manager, who has been an embarrassment to the town. They spent money on foolish things, totaling well over $200,000. There is no truth to their campaign assertions.
We have received emails and phone calls about where petitions can be signed for the recall of the slate. We have them at Sonoran News and two more locations have agreed to allow tables to be set up. As soon as we get schedules for both locations, we will post them online and in printed editions.
"You can't fix stupid but you can vote it out!"