Resolution commending Glassman ‘over the top’

Council unanimously rejects texting policy
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CAVE CREEK – Mayor Vincent Francia moved agenda item four up, a resolution adopting a policy governing the use of electronic devices and texting during council meetings, to accommodate Peoria City Attorney Steve Kemp, who came to talk to council about the policy they recently put into place.

He said so Peoria City Council adopted a policy of no electronic devices other than to access the agenda during council meetings and executive session to “affirm its commitment to open government.”

Kemp said the town of Paradise Valley was considering a similar policy.

During public comment, Susan Clancy said the issue has come up before the Cave Creek Unified School District governing board and thought it might be something the town should consider.

Councilman Thomas McGuire moved to approve the item with a second from Councilman Ernie Bunch.

McGuire, who introduced the item, stated the policy may take more thought before implementing.

Bunch said there was a time while he was sitting in an executive session that he received a message that his first grandchild was born and he didn’t think anyone should miss a message like that.

Vice Mayor Adam Trenk suggested they could perhaps allow receiving messages but not sending.

Councilman Mike Durkin said, “We can violate the open meeting law at any time,” and stated he would not approve any sort of policy that only serves the appearance of looking good to the public.

Council voted unanimously against the policy.

President Traci Casale, along with another member of the Cave Creek Rodeo Association and the 2014 Rodeo Queen expressed their gratitude in the town’s increased support of the rodeo, which will be held March 28 – 30 this year, as council voted unanimously to authorize the $10,000 expenditure budgeted for the Cave Creek Fiesta Days Rodeo.

Planning Commission Chair Ted Bryda spoke during public comment of the next agenda item, asking council to vote no on the general plan text amendment “to avoid unintended consequences.”

He asked them to change paragraph two to remove any reference to acreage.

Planning Commissioner Eileen Wright strongly recommended the council table the item, send it back to staff and require all Desert Rural changes, regardless of acreage to be major plan amendments.

Janet Mohr said there are a lot of people who don’t understand the section as written and thought it was a good idea to send it back to staff.

Trenk moved to approve the text amendment but striking the language after the word “intensities” in section two so it reads:  “… a major amendment to the general plan shall be required for … Requests for any change in the areas with Desert Rural land use designation in the town’s adopted General Plan Land Use Map to any other land use designation with greater densities or intensities.”

Durkin, who seconded the motion asked Trenk to amend his motion to include the changes suggested by Bryda, which he did.

The motion passed unanimously.

rodney glassmanThe last item on the agenda was a resolution commending Rodney Glassman (r), who was attending his last meeting and whose last day is Feb. 14, for his service to the town as interim town manager.

During public comment, Cave Creek Museum Executive Director Evelyn Anderson and Cave Creek Merchants & Events Association President Johnny Ringo spoke in support of the special recognition.

Trenk held up a painting by Lester Rechlin that was being awarded to Glassman as part of the recognition.

Francia said the first meeting he had with Glassman he told him, “Don’t fire anyone and don’t spend a lot of time at town hall … Don’t get attached to anyone because you’re only temporary.”

McGuire thanked Glassman for his service but said the resolution was “way over the top” and he would not be supporting it.

Bunch said perhaps they should bring back former Utilities Manager Jessica Marlow, who worked for the town for seven years and did wonders for the water utility, and give her a plaque.

Bunch told Glassman, “Thanks for your work and I’m glad to see you move on.”

Council voted 6-1 in favor of the resolution with Bunch voting a hesitant “I guess so,” and McGuire dissenting.

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