FEBRUARY 5, 2014
Scottsdale Civil War Round Table

Terry Winschel presents “Shut Up As In A Trap: Citizens Under Siege” Feb. 18.
Terrence J. Winschel is a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Pennsylvania State University. He also holds Master of Social Science and Education Specialist degrees from Mississippi College. Mr. Winschel is a thirty-five year veteran of the National Park Service having recently retired. He has served at Gettysburg National Military Park, Fredericksburg National Military Park, Valley Forge National Historical Park, and Vicksburg National Military Park. He is now actively leading tours and conducting speaking engagements. Winschel has written 50 articles on the Civil War and more than 100 book reviews.
He is author of Triumph & Defeat: The Vicksburg Campaign, Vol. II (Savas Beatie, 2006); Vicksburg Is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River (University of Nebraska Press, 2003); The Civil War Diary of a Common Soldier (LSU Press, 2001); Vicksburg: Fall of the Confederate Gibraltar (McWhiney Research Foundation Press, 1999); and Triumph & Defeat: The Vicksburg Campaign (Savas Publishing, 1998). Winschel is the 2004 recipient of the Nevins-Freeman Award, presented by The Civil War Round Table of Chicago; and of the 2006 Charles L. Dufour Award, presented by The Civil War Round Table of New Orleans. He was named National Park Service Preservationist of the Year in 2007 by the Civil War Preservation Trust.
Scottsdale Civil War Roundtable meets the third Tuesday of every month (except December, June, July and August) at Civic Center Library, 3839 N. Drinkwater Blvd, Scottsdale at 6:45 p.m. Speakers are comprised of well known Civil War experts from around the country.