January 29–February 4, 2014
For All Signs: The planets Jupiter and Pluto are opposed across the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. This opposition has been in effect since last summer and will continue through June of 2014. It is exact on Jan. 31 and will be so again on April 2014. This transit has a bright side and a dark side. The bright side is that this period could bring an important project to fruition and represent a blossoming of long preparation. An invention that will improve the lives of many is one example. The dark side is that those with Power might decide to claim territory from others, whether a business or a country. The feel of it is manic, in which one party assumes authority it hasn’t properly gained. A hostile takeover of a company is one mundane example. Another example of this is China’s sudden expansion of its ADIZ over Japanese controlled Senkakus Island which occurred in Dec. It is extremely important that we concentrate our personal energy on projects that are good for all involved if we are to successfully navigate this transit.
Aries: A friend may suggest something novel to do in order to break an old rut. Or this friend might find one or more ways to assist you to do something that is out of the box. Your planetary ruler, Mars, is in the shadow of its upcoming retrograde. Don’t push, or try to force anything, lest it cost you.
Taurus: Your ruling planet, Venus, turns direct this week. She (you) narrowly escapes a manipulation by the Powers that Be. Perhaps that is a lover with a personal use for your energies. She will be in the after-shadow until the end of Feb., which means you are still moving forward in slow motion.
Gemini: Your attention turns toward your life direction at this time. For many this is reflected by the career path. You may be researching needed information or talking with others about where you are headed. Your work is noticed or somehow on display with favorable results.
Cancer: You are in a reasonably good place with yourself at this time. Your heart and mind are flowing together. You have no conflict between your feelings and your thoughts about those feelings. This is a time for reflection on important subjects. You can make good decisions now.
Leo: Partnerships of any type are generally favored now, because you will be searching for the "fair" solution in any dilemma. It is a good time to seek consultation from professionals if you need it. You are realistic and flexible in your approach to almost everything. Focus is on your partner or on “others” in your life.
Virgo: Your imagination could go overboard this week and you might be overly reactive to imagined slights. Double check on facts, data, and directions that come your way.
Pay careful attention to communications and messages. You are prone to hear/read what you expect and that may not be what was intended.
Libra: Activities involving your career and decisions about it may have become stagnant in the last two months. Somehow you instinctively have known that it was not a time to push the river. In the next few weeks new information will surface that make it more clear how you are to proceed.
Scorpio: Focus attention on the lead paragraph because Pluto is one of your ruling planets. Make certain you are not trying to manipulate others to your will at this time. Activities involving your children and/or other creative products of your being are favored. Love life flows smoothly.
Sagittarius: It appears to me that there is a struggle over finances or shared resources. This could include partner’s resources, the IRS, and/or debts or services that are owed to you. You have the necessary evidence to support your position. But the “judge” may be ruthless.
Capricorn: You are prone to overreact to anyone or anything that is in your way. Make an effort to stop and really think about it before indicting anyone. Search for a compromising point of view that is strong enough to contain both you and your opponent’s belief systems. Together you could create something much better than you can apart.
Aquarius: You are attending to responsibilities this week. It is a fairly serious time in which you feel somehow ethically or morally bound to follow through with commitments to the outside world. It is possible you are somehow teaching others what you have learned. If you have prepared you will definitely succeed.
Pisces: Events in your life may be moving along successfully. However, Mercury is on the verge of turning retrograde in your sign. Pay careful attention to what you say because you may be proved wrong. Don’t make assumptions or big decisions now. Wait for the dust to settle.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) Visit www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.