Feature Articles


Angels in our community

Accidents can happen to even the most careful and loving guardians. On Sunday in the blink of an eye Toby and his sibling pushed the gate at just the right moment and it flew open and out they ran across a busy street. Toby's sibling made it across but Toby was not so lucky.

cheeto the cat
Pet of the Week: Cheeto

spoof space bysteele coddingtonSPOOF SPACE BY STEELE CODDINGTON  |  JANUARY 15, 2014

Deity delusion

God help us. An ever expanding government goblin is devouring everything of value and rationality in its path, led by a President whose own agencies and the complicit media who would like to convince us that he is our new Messiah. The most frightening thing about it is the extent to which people in this country believe that delusion. It started with figurative references by misguided entertainers and then limousine-liberal Barbara Walters, in an interview on CNN said, "We thought he was going to be ... I shouldn't say this at Christmas time ... the next Messiah."


dick elder

Featured Author: 
Dick Elder

Dick Elder was born in 1927 and grew up in northeastern Ohio. He trained as a combat air crewman during World War II. Elder graduated from the Ohio State University in 1949. In 1960, he moved to Durango, Colorado; built a dude ranch; and operated it for thirty-seven years.

Books by Dick Elder: Which Way is West, Lovers & Liars, It Sure Beats Working and The Way Out. All are available in print and as E-books.