Tigers in Pack 331 Den 1 (Cave Creek Cub Scouts) react to “Go See It” experience at Sonoran News

Well, it's conclusive, Sonoran News ice cream and cookies are the best but there are some other things the Cub Scouts of Den 1 of Cave Creek thought were pretty cool too. Ayden learned a lot about the cost of making the paper and it was fun because his great grandmother was editor of a newspaper. Steller can't wait to go see where the paper is made and is very excited to have his picture in the paper. Andrew writes, "I got to meet the man who writes the newspaper ... and his real picture was in the newspaper." All 3 Tworeks, Jonah, Anthony and Sarah, enjoyed seeing the buffalo in Mr. Don's office. They enjoyed learning about the newspaper and the articles, and ads that go in it about the community. Jonah also liked seeing Mr. Don on page 4 and 7 of the paper.
Happy Scouting!
?Top Left to right: Kimberly Middlemist with son Ayden, Leslie Bush and son Andrew, BreaAnn Wilcox and son Steller, Grace Tworek and children Jonah, Anthony and Sarah.