DECEMBER 24, 2013
ALG launches to promote alternative education options

FAIRFAX, Va. – Americans for Limited Government recently launched, a website dedicated to raising awareness of alternative education options across the country. The group's president, Nathan Mehrens, issued the following statement about the new project:
" is dedicated to promoting alternatives to the current failed education system, whether its private school choice, charter schools, or magnet schools within the public system. We're going to let the American people know who is fighting for students first. We're going to name names and pull no punches against those who are desperate to keep the current disaster in our schools in place just to service a few narrow interests, leaving our children as pawns in a high stakes game competing for tax dollars.
"We need more alternatives in our schools, not an inquisition into those fighting the good fight against a corrupt, failing system. It's time we put students first and put an end to the nonsense that prevails in the education establishment that clings to the status quo that is failing our children."