Philanthropic tale with a tail
It is that time of year when giving is the focus. During the holidays, many of us go further out of our way to ensure people in need get food, clothing, blankets, or even wrapped presents. It is also time to help our furry feline friends. Desert Sun Academy 5th grade student Marco Parisio has taken an interest in a kitten named Thunder at Foothills Animal Rescue in North Scottsdale. It is his charge to help find a home for Thunder. Marco has spent time at Foothills Animal Rescue playing with Thunder and his friends. You are encouraged to do the same (and I dare you not to fall for one of these precious pets).
If you don’t want a pet or if you are short on time, you can still help out by donating to Foothills Animal Rescue ( Money is always welcome and so are items for daily use such as paper towels, bleach, and New Balance cat or dog food.
Please help spread the word. We look forward to sharing the tale of Thunder’s new family!