Doctors dumped from rolls of Medicare Advantage providers due to Obamacare

WASHINGTON, DC – Seniors have already begun receiving notices that Medicare Advantage programs are dropping their doctors from their lists of providers, according to Dan Weber, a noted advocate for the elderly.
"The doctors they trust are no longer available to them as a direct result of Obamacare, which is dipping into Medicare funding to the tune of $717 billion in order to provide things like contraceptives and abortion pills in new healthcare plans created to comply with the Affordable Care Act," Weber, who is president of the Association of Mature American Citizens, explained.
Connecticut's Fairfield and Hartford County Medical Associations quickly filed a lawsuit and won a temporary injunction to stop United Healthcare from dropping doctors. But, the insurer responded by saying it will continue to delist MDs from their rolls, claiming the injunction applies only to doctors who are members of the two associations. United Healthcare, one of the nation's largest Medicare Advantage insurers, and other coverage providers are being pressured by Obamacare provisions to offer broad coverage to the uninsured with less money.
"Nationwide, support for the health care law is declining rapidly. People are finding out that it was enacted by liberal elitists using subterfuge and disinformation. Meanwhile, there are new revelations almost daily, such as the purging of available physicians, the denial of coverage for certain life-saving medications and much more. Therefore, AMAC has renewed its efforts to overturn the law, notwithstanding the fact that other so-called advocacy groups continue to blindly promote it," said AMAC chief Weber.
He noted, for example, that "AARP, which played a big role in Obamacare's passage in the first place, is now out encouraging its members and others to sign up for it, no matter how flawed it is and no matter how it is designed to hurt the elderly."
Weber cited the announcement by the California Endowment in October that it had partnered with AARP to encourage enrollment in that state. He pointed out that In November, the association's president Robert Romasco said in an interview on KDKA radio in Pittsburgh that 'we determined which benefits every American family will need' and then he offered to help people navigate the Obamacare website.
A recent article in the New York Daily News recounted how an 84-year-old patient learned that she could no longer see her primary care doctor, whom she had been seeing for some two decades. Her physician reacted this way: "He voted twice for Barack Obama, and now feels the President has betrayed him. He thought the government health-care program would bring him more patients, not snatch away those already under his care."
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