Prepared for ObamaCare?
Free screening of the movie ‘Sick and Sicker’ to see what happens when ‘the government becomes your doctor’
In 2006, as director of Arizona Federation of Taxpayers, now AFP-Arizona, Jenney helped to reduce state income and property taxes, while helping lead the fight to pass Proposition 207, Private Property Rights Protection Act.
Since joining Americans for Prosperity in 2007, Jenney has won multiple legislative and local government victories on tax policy, privatization, budget reform and worker freedom.
Most recently, in November 2010, Jenney and AFP-Arizona were helpful in getting Proposition 106, Arizona Health Care Freedom Act, and Proposition 113, Save Our Secret Ballot Act, passed.
The film, which “puts ObamaCare on ice with cold hard facts from Canada,” starts at 6 p.m. and will be followed by a question and answer session covering topics such as:
• How ObamaCare relates to your personal situation,
• What citizens can expect from their insurance,
• How the implementation of ObamaCare will affect our health care
This open-to-the-public meeting will inform citizens how they can prepare for the implementation of ObamaCare as insurance companies continue to send out letters canceling health insurance policies that don't comply with the new law.
Judy Hoelscher, first vice chair of LD1, said this topic should be of concern to everyone and urges area residents to invite friends, family and neighbors to this meeting.
Hoelscher said “Many folks are finding out their recently canceled policies were much less expensive than the government-run plans, which, besides being far less affordable, have much higher deductibles, increased out-of-pocket costs and co-pays, and have far fewer physicians participating in networks.
“The sad thing is families are now being faced with either paying their mortgages or paying huge fines because they cannot afford to purchase a government-mandated healthcare plan, a no-win situation for people struggling in today’s tough economy.”
The LD1 Republican meeting on Monday, Nov. 18, to be held at the NorthGate Church, 34835 N. 7th St., Phoenix 85086 (7th Street and Carefree Highway, just north of Burger King), is open to the general public.
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