My View


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Don Sorchych


Please read Linda Bentley’s article about the council deciding to vote to approve a supposedly original motto for the town, “Where the Wild West lives.” I received an email from a reader about the identical motto in Deadwood, S.D. Linda did research (Vice Mayor Adam Trenk did only a trademark search) and found more than a dozen examples where municipalities use that exact term.

This bunch can’t shoot straight, think straight or be straight, have zero originality and continue their lying habits.

I gave the State Constitution and statutory support for the requirements of recall which only requires a statement of not more than 200 words on the recall petition in last week’s issue.

bil canfield editorial cartoon
During Monday’s council meeting Mayor Vincent Francia voted for Trenk’s measure despite the fact Trenk himself, in his lynching of former Town Manager Usama Abujbarah, did many, if not all, of the things he asked others to avoid in his resolution.

Francia, in turn, lamented the fact he demonstrated anger when in our candidate forum, he lambasted Eileen Wright for assertions about the council. My reaction at the time was, well it is about time, because, as mayor, he had an obligation to respond to her untrue allegations. The fact he is still bleeding over doing what he was voted in for means he needs to return to Turf Paradise and politic for his boss, Jerry Sims.

Speaking of Sims, I heard a well-placed rumor that Sims has offered to raise funds for the re-election campaign of Attorney General Tom Horne allegedly in exchange for appointment of a friendly Racing Commissioner. We will keep and eye on it and report on the truth of the rumor.

One reason why Francia wants to retain the title of mayor is to use it as a door opener to the legislature and the governor’s office to effect positive legislation for Turf Paradise. Mayor works better than ex-mayor which he may be following the recalls.

One recall candidate last week said he would run but only if he could run against Mayor Francia. In spite of Francia’s past voter appeal, that candidate believes Francia’s support has eroded substantially and it has from the comments I have received.

If this is really a western town, why did Cave Creek continue to try to placate my neighbor Gerald Freeman after he filed for a temporary restraining order against the town about a long planned and committed horse trail on our easement. If I remember correctly, the trail plans were approved by public vote in 2005 and the town worked diligently to follow the voters’ wishes. So now, eight years later, the most important segment of trails to liberate riders and hikers from the west remains in limbo thanks to Freeman’s lawsuit.

Let us hope the court calls Freeman’s suit frivolous. Meanwhile the town has received one continuance after another while Freeman demanded the town drop the long standing approved idea for a trail to the west. He is against it and I am for it and we are the only two being served by the easement.

The slate is in a dilemma. Lyncher Trenk is a drugstore cowboy so he can’t be against the trail. On the other hand, although Freeman only donated $50 to his campaign, they suck through the same straw when it comes to politics and he can’t oppose Freeman.

So as I have written before, it appears the council is going to let it run its course in court so they appear blameless. In the meantime, real cowboys on the west side of town can’t saddle their broncs and ride into town where they spend money, producing tax revenue.

So our four member council slate and mayor do silly things like abusing Scottsdale and threatening them over their registered motto “The West’s most western town.” Such antics aren’t for grownups and Francia and his slate are a huge embarrassment, while they don their seldom worn or borrowed western clothes and try to act like cowboys.

I am still hopeful real cowboys who are disenfranchised from riding into town from the west by the town’s refusal to give them a promised trail show up in force at town hall with their well-worn cowboy hats and tell the council what they think of their phony western pussy footing.

The recall momentum is growing in force and gaining speed. I have received calls and visits by recall candidates. A recent survey shows Trenk and Glassman are the bottom two in voter appeal.

Since there will be independent candidates, not a slate like we have now, it is like herding cats to find out who is in and who is out and who wants to run against whom. But they all know D-Day is Dec. 3 for initiating a recall and collecting signatures. Fortunately it appears the candidates have 120 days to collect the requisite 250 or so signatures.

It is no exaggeration to say the town’s future is at stake. The slate and their backers are angry people and they lied to get in but have done nothing of value. They are an embarrassment; ask any of our neighbors.

Although the dynamics are difficult to understand, it is clear the Trenkster is the leader of the slate and mayor. Why adults would agree to be lead by an inexperienced youngster doesn’t say much for the individuals who succumb to his will.