November 13 – 19, 2013
For All Signs: We have a full moon in Taurus on Sunday at 10:16 a.m. EST. This one occurs at a particularly potent degree of the zodiac, 25 degrees, which is the position of the fixed star Algol. Ancient astrologers gave much attention to the star positions. Algol is named for the Medusa, whose gaze turned men to stone. She is associated with decapitation, mob violence, hangings and other major catastrophes. This full moon occurs on the longitudinal line of 126 E. 31 and also 52 W 46. The first longitude is just west of Japan and also intersects Australia. The 52 W 46 line intersects Brazil and follows north through western Greenland. I don’t know how to interpret this factor in today’s literal world. It is possible there may be earth traumas near those locations. Normally I would not comment, although it appears to me that planetary aspects are showing themselves almost immediately these days. So we will watch this Full Moon together.
Aries: A relationship or friendship that began suddenly in March has gone through one or two transformations already. If you are still together, this time brings yet one more change in how you relate to each other. If this is not a person, it may be a creative project that you began in the spring.
Taurus: Your relationship life is interesting this week. Things go very favorably with your significant other or business partner(s), as well as your general community. You are seeing eye to eye with a person of power. One hiccup: be sure to backup all your data. There is a potential for computer snafus.
Gemini: Keep your attention fastened on your higher side this week. Otherwise your mind could be drawn down into worry or dark imaginings. Find someone who is in need and give them a helping hand. Enjoy the imagination of others, I.e. In books, movies, or plays.
Cancer: Your mind and heart are clearly in sync at this time. You are likely at peace with yourself. There is a solid and practical solution at hand and you do not have to quarrel with yourself over it. Activities involving your children and/or other creative products of your being are favored. Love life flows smoothly.
Leo: It’s possible that you will feel somewhat fussy and out of sorts this week. Your mind wants to roam, try new things, take up an activity that feels more “fun” than the usual humdrum routine. You may remember this kind of feeling from childhood. If you can understand it as a form of boredom you can probably find solutions.
Virgo: You may find the actions or attitudes of others in your life somewhat confusing. If anyone makes you feel badly about yourself, ignore it and move on in your own groove. The “other” does not really understand you at all, though he/she may think he does. Stay with your own evaluations of “shoulds.”
Libra: If there are “power” issues between you and another, this is the week that they will be in full bloom. Discomfort means that change is needed in one or both of your attitudes. Intensity is the theme. Concentrate on remaining conscious so that you won’t fall into manipulative games, especially the one called “prove it if you love me.”
Scorpio: There are probably challenges at work that have been going on for quite some time now. This is your opportunity to pull together all your intuitive and diplomatic skills to smooth out some of the crossed lines among others. Your skills are appreciated, even if not acknowledged.
Sagittarius: A new idea, connection or development of late July is now showing signs of growth. It may have been an investment, an intimate relationship, or an agreement to share resources with another. (“Resources” = time, energy, or money.) You can see tangible results now and may be ready to tell others.
Capricorn: It may be your pleasure to bring two or more factions to a meeting focused upon the betterment of many. You have the right instinct to choose the people who need to be present. In general, love and social life will flow smoothly. Others will be happy to turn leadership needs over to you.
Aquarius: It seems as though much of your life is in serious mode these days. It seems a challenge to accomplish your goals unless you work constantly. But this week there is a nagging voice inviting you outdoors, or anywhere away from the routine. Give it a break and let a change of pace restore your soul.
Pisces: Continue to allow your intuition to be your guide. The Muse wants to speak through you during this period of two to three weeks. Focus on art, music, dance, and color—whatever gives you pleasure. Take long breaks if possible. Being near the water will be most soothing, even if it is only the bathtub.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) Visit