NOVEMBER 13, 2013
Local Principal, Janiene V. Marlow, among America’s best

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Janiene V. Marlow is among 61 outstanding elementary and middle school principals from across the nation and abroad who have been named as 2013 National Distinguished Principals (NDP) by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). Marlow is principal of Horseshoe Trails Elementary School in Phoenix, Arizona. The NDPs will be honored Oct. 25 at an awards banquet at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., as part of a two-day program, which for more than 20 years has been generously funded by VALIC. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will provide congratulatory remarks.
Established in 1984, the program recognizes public and private school principals who make superior contributions to their schools and communities. The distinguished principals are selected by NAESP state affiliates, including the District of Columbia, and by committees representing private and overseas schools. NAESP Executive Director Gail Connelly commended the honorees for being exemplars of successful school
leadership. “Only a principal can move a school from good to great, simultaneously championing children and uplifting the communities they serve,” she said. “We congratulate this class of NDPs for their steadfast dedication to educating our nation’s children to their fullest potential.”
“VALIC is proud to continue its support as sole sponsor of the National Distinguished Principal’s Award Program,” said Bruce Abrams, President of VALIC. “This program allows us to recognize the important role of principals on the education and development of our nation’s children, our future leaders. On behalf of VALIC, I congratulate all 61 of this year’s National Distinguished Principals and extend my deepest thanks for all that they do.”
October is a particularly fitting month to acknowledge the work of principals, as legislation has been introduced in both chambers of congress declaring October 2013 National Principals Month (S. Res. 260 & H. Res. 353). National Principals Month was established to recognize and honor the contributions of school principals and assistant principals toward the success of the nation’s students, and encourage awareness of their significance.