NOVEMBER 6, 2013

Local Veterans Day events

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Daisy Mountain Veterans Parade
Date: Saturday, Nov.9 at 10 a.m.
Place: Anthem

Horseshoe Trails Elementary School (HTES) is marching in the Daisy Mountain Veterans Parade on Saturday, November 9 at 10 a.m.

HTES’ entry this year honors Korean War Veteran Sgt. Reckless. Sgt. Reckless was not just a horse; she was a Marine and a Veteran of the Korean War. She is decorated with two Purple Hearts, Good Conduct Medal and United Nations Service Medal. Sgt. Reckless is one of Life Magazine’s Top 100 Heroes of the United States. Her spirit is truly amazing.

HTES students will learn about Sgt. Reckless at Friday’s Veterans Day Assembly. The Museum of the Horse Soldier will be giving a presentation about the life of this forever honored war horse that never gave up.

Horseshoe Trails Elementary School is an A+ School of Excellence with A+ programs and one of seven “A” rated schools in the Cave Creek Unified School District. For a tour of Horseshoe Trails Elementary School or for more information, please contact Arizona’s 2013 National Distinguished Principal of the Year, Mrs. Janiene Marlow, at 480-272-8500 or by email at [email protected].

carefree veteran dayVeteran’s Day Presentation & Musical Tribute
Date: Monday, Nov. 11 from 3-5 p.m.
Place: Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion
          Carefree Desert Gardens
          101 Easy Street, Carefree
• Honor Guard
• Swing Band Performance and Songs
• Stories from Veterans of the Armed Forces
• Light Refreshments by Kiwanis of Carefree
• Veterans Heritage Project
• Packages from Home will collect items to send to troops:

The Town of Carefree is honored to host its 5th annual Veterans Day presentation and musical tribute.  It will be held on Monday, November 11, 2013 from 3 to 5 pm, in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion, located in the Carefree Desert Gardens (101 Easy Street, Carefree, AZ). 

The event will feature a mixture of exciting patriotic and military music by Don Morosic and his Main Event Swing Band.   Vocalist April Manchester will be returning to the event to sing the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America.  Special speakers will include veterans of the armed forces, who will share their experiences from the past.  By popular request, the finale will once again include the bugle call, The Last Post, followed by TAPS on “dueling bugles”.

Packages from Home ( will also be present at the Veteran’s Day event to accept items for shipment to troops serving overseas, or donations to help with shipping costs.  The most-needed items are toothpaste, eye drops, body lotion or hand cream, foot/body powder, T-shirts (M-XL), boxers (M-XL), jelly (16 oz. plastic squeezable), Rice Krispy Treats, canned spaghetti (14-16 oz. size), peanut butter (16 oz.), and drink mix singles, such as powdered drinks.  Alternatively, PFH representatives will be on hand to gladly accept any cash donations, since each package costs $12.95 to ship.

The Association of the United States Army will have a representative available to assist any veterans with questions. The Carefree Kiwanis Club ( will be providing light refreshments.  For more information, please contact the Town of Carefree, at 480-488-3686.

Come enjoy the special presentations and join in the opportunity to honor those who have sacrificed for all.

Scottsdale Veterans Day
Date: Monday, Nov. 11 at 3 p.m.
Place: McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
7301 E. Indian Bend Road, Scottsdale

White House “Physician to the President” is Scottsdale Veterans Day keynote speaker

Dr. Connie Mariano, a former Physician to the President, will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Veterans Day program. The annual commemoration kicks off with music by the 108th Army National Guard Band at 3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 11, at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park, 7301 E. Indian Bend Road. The formal program follows at 3:30 p.m.

Mariano served under both Bush administrations and Clinton. She has achieved an impressive list of “firsts” that include:
• The first military woman to become the White House Physician to the President
• The first woman director of the White House Medical Unit
• The first Filipino American in U.S. history to become a Navy rear admiral
• The Veterans Day event also will feature Arizona National Guard Adjutant General Michael T. McGuire.

The program is free and open to the public. For more information, call 480-312-2312.

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