OCTOBER 30, 2013
Friday is last day for in-person early voting

In-person early voting in Scottsdale’s Special Election ends Friday, Nov. 1. Early voting is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays at Scottsdale City Hall, 3939 N. Drinkwater Blvd.
Scottsdale’s Special Election takes place Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Five questions are on the ballot. Four of the questions pertain to the proposed sale of $212.1 million in general obligation bonds to fund capital improvement projects. The estimated average annual tax rate for the proposed bond authorization is $0.2174 per $100 of secondary assessed valuation.
The proposed projects cover a broad range of improvements. Each bond question on the Nov. 5 ballot will represent a different project group:
1. Parks, Libraries and Community Facilities ($50.4 million in projects)
2. Public Safety ($43.7 million in projects)
3. Neighborhood Flood Control ($19 million in projects)
4. Transportation, Streets and Trails ($99 million in projects)
A fifth ballot question asks voters to consider whether a franchise shall be granted to EPCOR Water Arizona Inc. and Chaparral City Water Company to maintain and operate a potable water distribution system. The system serves about 2,200 customers in Scottsdale.
Links to the official ballot language, publicity pamphlet and a complete list of the proposed bond projects and their descriptions are available at: www.ScottsdaleAz.gov/elections.
After 8 p.m. on Nov. 5, Scottsdale’s website will post preliminary election results as they become available.
If you have questions about the election, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 480-312-2412.