October 30 – November 5, 2013
For All Signs: There is a series of seven clashes between Uranus and Pluto which began in 2012. The fourth exact square occurs this week on Nov. 1, just before the eclipse of Nov. 3. There will be two more in 2014 and one in 2015. Uranus represents the theme of economic and political justice. Pluto represents big money, worldly power, greed, and the forces of nature. The energies have manifested in the Arab Spring and countless other revolutionary changes in the world. The entire Middle East is at war or on shaky ground. The wrath of nature is becoming increasingly destructive. This is not Armageddon, in my opinion, but these aspects represent the battles of powerful archetypal energies. The series describes the global reorganization of politics, power and the economy. Before the end of this decade, all of us will be affected in ways we probably would rather not imagine. This week there are so many harsh aspects in the solar system it is a challenge to predict the outcome. Toss in a Mercury retrograde and we have a recipe for high tension along with errors in judgment. I am writing this on Sep. 9, with the threat of a Syrian war in the world focus. According to the horoscope of the U.S., between 2000 and 2005 we lost significant power and absolutely should not initiate an attack on anybody in the centuries to come, lest the cost be far beyond anything we can imagine.
Aries: A power beyond your control has your career nearly squashed. There is a bright spot and a direction to progress, even if it is only lateral (or less). Take it while you have the chance.
Taurus: There is a lot stirring among the people in your life at this time. Your job is to provide support. Others may see things at their worst, but soon Mercury will go direct and the story will improve.
Gemini: Your health is of utmost importance at this time. Double check any physical tests or diagnoses that come your way because they are likely to be based on minimum or inaccurate information.
Cancer: There is high focus in the area of children, lovers, romance, and play for you this week. Even so, remember that Mercury is retrograde and decisions or promises can turn on a dime. Don’t make them.
Leo: You have high energy in the territory of home, property, and family at this time. Repairs may be critical, whether emotional or physical. A decision may be required between “bad” and “less bad”. Time is of the essence.
Virgo: Activities requiring strength and/or endurance are favored. A transformation is at hand if you will reach for it. Help from those more powerful than yourself is available if you need it. Avoid big decisions or contracts for the present.
Libra: Partner(s), clients, and other important people in your life are changeable and erratic. This probably affects your income this fall. Try to keep your expenses steady, even as income flows up and down.
Scorpio: You have more freedom of motion than you realize. Be careful of what you say and to whom, lest you anger the wrong people. Arrogance is not allowable now.
Sagittarius: Whatever gossip crosses your path this week is likely untrue. Ignore it. Your old history may come back to haunt you in some way, but the disturbance will be short.
Capricorn: You feel pressured by multiple issues concerning home, property and family life. The body is the ultimate “home” for each of us. Aspects mandate that you care for it as you might a prized jewel.
Aquarius: There is a subdued and heavy quality in your mind concerning career or life direction. Within a couple of weeks you will be free to change the daily grind and that will be a relief.
Pisces: You have favorable and healing aspects coming through travel, the law, the Internet, and/or your place of worship. People you have met who live at a distance will seek your services.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777
for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) Visit www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.