OCTOBER 2, 2013
Carefree Kiwanis and Foothills Caring Corps announce new partnership
Kiwanis Club of Carefree and Foothills Caring Corps are proud to announce a new collaboration between the Kiwanis Club of Carefree and the Foothills Caring Corps. The two organizations will partner on a Medical Equipment Loan Closet to provide the community with a selection of portable medical equipment that includes manual wheelchairs, walkers with wheels or balls, sedentary shower chairs, tub benches, commodes, canes and crutches.
The Carefree Kiwanis will accept and store donations of gently used or new medical equipment. Foothills Caring Corps (FCC) will keep a supply of equipment on hand at their newly expanded offices and be responsible for getting the medical equipment into the hands of local residents who need it. FCC will also place large items (for example, the two power wheelchairs that were donated recently) with community service organizations.
According to Foothills Caring Corps Executive Director Debbra Determan, “The Medical Equipment Loan Closet will be of great help in our community, as residents and their winter visitors have an increased need for assistance with balance and/or fall prevention.
“It is important to prevent falls and injury, so we are hopeful that our neighbors won’t be shy about coming to us for the equipment that will allow them to maintain their mobility and live independently – and safely – in their homes.”
“Our partnership will greatly benefit members of our community because, while the Carefree Kiwanis receive a steady supply of medical equipment as donations through our wildly popular Flea Market; we do not have the experience, as Foothills Caring Corps does, in providing health-related support services,” commented Dave Bell, Kiwanis Club of Carefree Medical Equipment Loan Closet Chairman.
The potential need for equipment will be identified through FCC home visits, as well as short informational intakes at the FCC Medical Equipment Loan Closet location on Easy Street in Carefree. Proper use of the equipment will be emphasized, with “tip sheets” and demonstrations provided by FCC volunteers.
“From now on, pick-up from the Medical Equipment Loan Closet will be more accessible due to extended hours through housing the equipment at FCC,” said Bell. “The Kiwanis Club of Carefree will continue to accept and warehouse donations of medical equipment.
“Anyone who would like a Carefree Kiwanis Flea Market crew to pick up wheelchairs, walkers with wheels or balls, sedentary shower chairs, tub benches, commodes, canes, crutches, or any other medical equipment in working order and good condition, should contact the Kiwanis Club of Carefree at 480-488-8400.”
Because volunteerism is at the heart of both organizations, Determan and Bell are both quick to point out that not only is the Medical Equipment Loan Closet open to the community at large, community members are encouraged to volunteer. There are volunteer opportunities for staffing the Loan Closet and there is always the need for an extra hand at the Carefree Kiwanis Flea Market, a huge endeavor that is held seven times a year to raise funds for local youth programs.
The Foothills Caring Corps is located at 7275 E. Easy Street, Suite B103, Carefree, Arizona 85377. Call 480-488-1105 or visit www.foothillscaringcorps.com for information.
To reach the Kiwanis Club of Carefree, call 480-488-8400 or send inquiries to P.O. Box 1498, Carefree, Arizona 85377. For additional information, visit www.kiwaniscarefree.org.