pet news

OCTOBER 2, 2013

Use your Fry's VIP card for savings and support Foothills Animal Rescue!!

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Foothills Animal Rescue is pleased to become a member of the Fry's Community Rewards Program! Exciting yes, but how does it work? It's quite simple - simply register your VIP card by going to the website:
From there you can update your contact information and then choose FAR as your community partner. Every time you use your VIP card for groceries or gas, not only do you accumulate your normal rewards points, but points are also given to FAR. The points are then converted into cash that the rescue will receive on a quarterly basis.

So happy shopping everyone and thank you for showing your support of FAR through this program!

Yappy Hour on DFL Terrace: with Canine Companions for Independence® (CCI)

Tuesday, October 15 from 3:30 – 5 p.m.

Wine for humans, treats for the pups ... Join us, with your dog (or just because you're a dog-lover), mingle out on the Desert Foothills Library Waterfall Terrace, and enjoy hearing about this unique program. CCI is recognized worldwide, providing highly-trained assistance dogs for children and adults for a wide range of disabilities, free of charge. Learn how they make this happen and heartwarming stories of how lives have been transformed with a cold nose and a warm heart! Presenters: CCI puppy raisers, Vivian and Dick Marr; and Linda Helms with her CCI puppy-in-training, Filbert. Limited seating. Register: 480-488-2286.


parakeetParakeets, or Budgies as some are called, have become extremely popular pets due to their friendly, gentle nature. “A well-socialized Budgie can be an incredibly interactive and talkative pet,” said Dr. Sharman Hoppes, Clinical Associate Professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. “They can learn tricks and learn to fly to you with training and patience and many can learn to talk.”

Being playful and active animals, they require a fairly large cage to allow room for exercise, toys, and foraging opportunities for mental stimulation. “They need a large parrot cage with bar spacing appropriate for a small bird,” Hoppes said. Covering the cage with a cloth at night is also encouraged.

Budgies need play and socialization time outside of the cage as well. “Birds that are cage bound tend to get overweight and have associated health issues,” said Hoppes. Make sure that the area is free of any potential danger. Especially watch out for ceiling fans and open windows or doors when releasing the bird. Budgies can be very curious, and if you can’t provide a safe environment for flying, keep their wings trimmed.

Add variety to their diet, including small amounts of fruits, vegetables, cooked rice, sprouts, and other healthy human foods. “They need a good pelleted diet along with some seed mix and fresh vegetables daily,” Hoppes said. “They also need regular bathing with either a bowl or misting.” This can be done by simply placing a dish of water on the floor of the Budgie’s cage, or lightly spritzing water on them.

Budgies should be monitored closely around other pets such as cats, dogs, ferrets, reptiles and larger birds. “A parakeet can be a great pet for an older child who understands how to gently handle a bird,” says Hoppes. “I would not recommend a bird for a small child.”

Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Stories can be viewed on the Web at