September 11 – 17, 2013

For All Signs: Saturn, the teacher/taskmaster, is meeting the North Node of the Moon on the 17th. This energy has been in effect since Oct. of 2012, but increasingly more serious as this date approaches. They are traveling in the sign of Scorpio, which rules any type of shared resources, such as stocks, partner’s income, or inheritances. Banks or other places where people park money are also ruled by Scorpio. This sign is related to passion about anything, but specifically has to do with intimacy, sexuality and money. Their joining in the zodiac represents a karmic moment, the consequences of any misbehavior or mistakes related to resources, time and money. This period may bring news related to misdeeds in the public sector. It is not only collective but also personal. Saturn rewards that which is “good,” socially acceptable, conservative behavior and punishes that which is not.
Aries: Forward motion is achingly slow through Saturday morning. You may not feel well, or you encounter a roadblock after detours. Then suddenly things perk up in your love and social life. Your point of view will complement your partner’s (whether business or personal). Problematic negotiations or contracts give way to a solution on the 17th.
Taurus: Venus, your ruling planet, enters the 7th house of relationships and will be there until Oct. 11th. She brings improvements in clientele, social life, and partnerships. This is a good time to ask for a professional consultation if you need it. You are especially able to balance with others during this period in order to gain win-win solutions.
Gemini: This month, and in particular, this week, is loaded with surprises. Issues around debt, your estate, and your connection to community are in some way bringing up secrets that are enlightening. You might not have been ready for that, but here it is. Use your wits to come up with good solutions. Don’t let others press you to conclusions before you are ready.
Cancer: Please note the lead paragraph because it applies especially to your sign. The subject matter appears to be related to your children or maybe a lover. A “karmic moment” is here. Avoid the tendency to be a critic. Each must be his or her own person. However, you do not have to participate or watch if a behavior repels you.
Leo: You have a lot on your plate this week. At the beginning you are pressed to defend yourself by finding and organizing details of previously finished business. A fleeting virus may be slowing you down. Repairs of property may be on the agenda. Saturday evening the cosmic sky clears, you will feel better. Then travel and/or educational activities are favored.
Virgo: It may seem that every time you attempt to concentrate on any sort of detail, someone or something begins to interfere. Bitsy parts will not cooperate or can't be found. It may take 2 to 3 trips to the hardware store or the grocery market to collect what you need to complete the task. Relax. Some days are like that.
Libra: Today your ruling planet, Venus, enters the second house of income and self-worth. She will remain there until Oct. 11. Your concerns about finances will feel lightened. Work opportunities increase. This is a good time to start a gratitude journal. Remember that what you think may not necessarily work for others in your life.
Scorpio: Please note the all signs paragraph above. The prominent Saturn/North Node conjunction is in your sign. You may be playing both the role of teacher and the role of recalcitrant student this week. If you have held to your integrity, rewards will follow. For goodness’ sake, take care of yourself!
Sagittarius: There is no planetary activity that compels the Archers to act at this time. It is possible that your mind is nursing an old wound from the past, possibly related to the father history in your life. Move your focus beyond that. The ego is prone to bring up old worries when you are not busy. Get some exercise to feel better.
Capricorn: There may be sudden developments concerning your home, your family or your career. For a time things will feel out of control and maybe difficult to understand on any rational level. This struggle may be internal and of the ego. Go with integrity for the best outcome.
Aquarius: The lead paragraph is specifically related to you. It appears that your work in the world is coming to a turn in the road. If you have been unhappy with your life direction, now is the time that you may feel compelled to change. If, on the other hand, you are pleased with your work, an opportunity may arise that will expand your territory.
Pisces: For the next several weeks you will be pondering a question: Who or What do you serve? What is the priority that has always kept you going, regardless of the situation? You are experiencing a reality check here. You often walk a fine line between devotion and sacrifice. If it feels sacrificial you may have gone overboard.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.) Visit www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.