New fire engine serving Cave Creek

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Recently Rural/Metro Firefighters at Station 825 in Cave Creek officially placed a new fire engine into service. The new engine 825, a SpartanERV is an impressive piece of firefighting equipment. It features a 750 gallon tank, a 1250 gallon per minute pump, numerous hose discharges and advanced foam capabilities. The 236 inch wheel base and high road clearance was specifically designed to meet the challenging topography in the Cave Creek area. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the new pumper is its distinctive “Rural Green” color, a long standing symbol of the Rural/Metro Fire Department.

fire engine
Rural/Metro Fire Department has provided the community of Cave Creek and surrounding areas since 1965. In that time many things have changed in the way we deliver fire protection and emergency medical services. Therefore, our equipment needs to be upgraded specifically designed to meet the needs of the community. We are extremely proud of our service to the citizens of Cave Creek and our new fire engine. Take a moment to stop by Station 825, or keep an eye out for the engine on the road. When you seen the engine, play close attention to the small “White Horse” dedication decal behind the front doors. The new Engine 825 has been dedicated to Lou Witzeman, the founder of Rural/Metro, and whose spirit continues to inspire us to serve our customers with quality fire and personal safety through advanced equipment and clinical excellence.

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