JULY 10, 2013
General Plan 2014 Task Force Agenda
Meeting Notice and Agenda
Regular Meeting
5:30 p.m., Monday, July 15, 2013
Community Design Studio
7506 E. Indian School Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Call to Order
Roll Call
Public Comment (A.R.S. 38-431.02 (K))
Citizens may address the members of the General Plan 2014 Task Force during Public Comment. This "Public Comment" time is reserved for citizen comments regarding agendized items. Arizona State law prohibits General Plan 2014 Task Force from discussing or taking action on an item that is not on the prepared agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes to address the Task Force during "Public Comment" time.
Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Mary Vandevord at [email protected] (480-312-7902). Requests should be made 24 hours in advance or as early as possible to allow time to arrange accommodation. For TTY Users, the Arizona Relay Service (1-800-367-8939) may contact the Mary Vandevord at [email protected] (480-312-7902).
1. Approval of June 17, 2013, Summarized General Plan 2014 Task Force
Meeting Minutes
2. General Plan 2014 Task Force Work Plan
Presentation, discussion and possible action to adopt an updated General Plan 2014 Task Force Work Plan.
Presenter: Mary Vandevord, Sr. Planner
3. Overview of Scottsdale Demographics
Presentation and discussion regarding Scottsdale's demographics.
Presenter: Adam Yaron, Planner
4. Scottsdale's Values and Vision Review
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the draft "Scottsdale's Values and Vision" section of the General Plan 2014.
Presenter: Mary Vandevord, Sr. Planner
5. Community Involvement Element
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Community Involvement Element of the General Plan 2014.
Presenter: Annie DeChance, Public Participation and Outreach Manager
6. Open Space Element
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Open Space Element of the General Plan 2014.
Presenters: Kroy Ekblaw, Preserve Director and Don Hadder, Principal Planner
7. Recreation Element
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Recreation Element of the General Plan 2014.
Presenter: Jan Cameron, Parks & Recreation and Human Services Director
8. Task Force De-Brief on Neighborhoods & Housing Workshop
Presentation, discussion and possible direction regarding the first General Plan Community Workshop Series on Neighborhoods & Housing held on June 20, 2013.
Presenter: Ross Cromarty, Project Coordination Liaison
9. Review and Discussion of Future Agenda Items
Discussion and possible direction regarding the Scottsdale General Plan 2014 Task Force future agenda items.
10. Staff Updates (A.R.S. 38-431.02 (K))
As time permits, staff will present a brief summary on the status of current events and activities, including, but not limited to upcoming events and program highlights pertaining to the General Plan 2014 process.
Next Meeting Date-August 5, 2013
Unless an exception is made, or unless otherwise noted, the Task Force will not begin discussion on any new items after 8:30 p.m. Items that are not heard will be continued to the next scheduled Task Force meeting.
Current and Past Task Force Agendas and Agenda Packets can be viewed at http://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/boards/TaskForces/GeneralPlan2014TaskForce