June 26 – July 2, 2013

For All Signs: Mercury, the planet that "rules" communications and travel, turns retrograde on the 26th and will remain so until July 20th. It symbolizes a universal slackening of pace and is best used as a time for introspection or to look backward at past experiences for advice. Humans are a stubborn lot and we usually try to keep plugging forward, regardless of what the cosmos suggests. Therefore during Mercury retrograde periods we undergo a variety of nuisance obstacles and detours in our messages and schedules, our transportation, and our ubiquitous paperwork. Have a sense of humor and smile if you experience trouble in communications or travel. You know the secret – Mercury will go direct in July.
Aries: You have more energy than you know how to manage this week. Use caution when driving because your accelerator foot is probably heavy. Pour that muscle into making improvements in your environment and the neighborhood. Be aware of your tendency to overwhelm others now.
Taurus: Venus is your ruling planet and "she" represents your affectionate personality, along with your attraction to beauty in all its forms. Between June 27 and July 21 she is traveling through the sector which is related to home, property and family matters. You will be sorely tempted to redecorate, but curb your appetites.
Gemini: The probability is high that you will discover some error made in the past that must be rectified fairly soon. It may be as simple as finding a bill that was forgotten and left unpaid. Or it could be a little more complicated and involve a previous misunderstanding with a loved one.
Cancer: Give attention to the lead paragraph. Mercury is turning retrograde in your sign and will be more likely to affect your daily affairs than many of the other signs. Don't even try to finalize anything while a retrograding Mercury is with you. Use the energy to research information and gather resources for good decisions later.
Leo: You are in the right place at the right time. Contain your need for action or aggression, but listen to the intuitive feelings/words/images that are steering you. Don’t allow your ego to take the reins or you will lose the special guidance coming to you from your wiser self. Your consciousness may feel like a mess, but go deeper than that to find the treasure.
Virgo: Mercury is retrograding in the territory that concerns friends, organizations, and community contacts. You may be having difficulty bringing things to fruition or conclusion in any of these areas. Perhaps you are compelled to put previous plans on hold. Resolution comes late in July.
Libra: Necessary expenses (those not of the "fun" type) may develop this week. If not that, you could be just having a little blue mood. It is one of those times when we operate better in solitude. This is an existential dilemma that everyone encounters now and then. It will pass quickly.
Scorpio: Circumstances around the workplace or daily routine are a big challenge right now. Someone in your usual environment is particularly irritating and has been for quite a while. This situation could push you over the edge of losing your temper and unfortunately, it is you who will suffer the consequences.
Sagittarius: A trend began in your life that will continue through Sept. This is a time to learn the skills that will help you perceive more deeply what is happening around you. You may learn one or more secrets about your past that suddenly allows many of your experiences to make greater sense in your mind.
Capricorn: You may be in the position to act as a significant catalyst in a local drama that will serve to achieve a powerful focus on the environmental issues that surround us. It may not be your place to lead but to serve as backup to one who has the ear of many others. If leadership does happen to land upon you, by all means use it for the Greater Good.
Aquarius: You have the practical experience and the imagination to find a solution to the problems around you. This is a call for the Humanitarian inside of you to come to the foreground. Others are likely to follow your lead. Don’t let the interior Critic cause you to hide your light under the proverbial bushel.
Pisces: If you have developed your intuition in the past, you may be asked to teach this skill to someone else at this time. If you are a younger Piscean, the opportunity will arise for you pursue your spiritual and intuitive life. This began in May and continues for 3 to 4 months. Don’t overlook your opportunities to explore deeply inside your psyche.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. (There is a fee.)
Visit www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.