Celebrating Arpaio, moving forward with Obama’s fraudulent docs
Jeff Lichter is pictured introducing Attorney Larry Klayman, who appeared at the Surprise Tea Party celebration of Sheriff Joe Arpaio via Skype, to congratulate the sheriff in defeating Respect Arizona’s recall attempt.
Photo by Linda Bentley
SUN CITY WEST – The Surprise Tea Party held a celebration barbecue earlier this month to honor Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio after the group Respect Arizona failed to obtain enough signatures to effect a recall, while the constitutionality of the recall is being challenged in court.
Jeff Lichter introduced Attorney Larry Klayman, who appeared via Skype to congratulate the sheriff, and said Klayman will be arguing an Obama eligibility case in the Alabama Supreme Court before Judge Roy Moore.
Klayman is also representing Citizens for the Protection of Fair Election Results against Respect Arizona for initiating a recall without first waiting six months after Arpaio was sworn into office, as required by the constitution.
Klayman said it was his privilege to represent the group and said he is working with Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, whom he called courageous, to help move the Obama document fraud issue forward to Congress.
Arpaio told Klayman, “There are too many lawyers but we need more like you.”
Pat Boone called in via Skype from California to congratulate the citizens of Arizona and said he is a big fan of Arpaio.
Boone said, “I am so proud of the people of Arizona and I’m glad you’re still wearing that badge.”
Arpaio said, “The heroes are all the people in this room.”
Before hanging up, Boone said, “I am grateful for all the Constitution-loving, law-abiding people who have kept you in office.”
Lichter then played a pre-recorded video provided by Dr. Terry Lakin, a person Lichter said “has sacrificed the most over this matter.”
He mentioned Lakin’s book, “An Officer’s Oath,” the saga that began with Lakin, an Army flight surgeon with an 18-year military career, questioning Obama’s eligibility and ended with him being court-martialed, sentenced to six months in prison, stripped of his salary and pension benefits, and discharged from the Army.
Meanwhile, Lichter pointed out the Ft. Hood shooter continues to receive his salary from the Army.
Lakin congratulated Arpaio in his video and said soldiers have been put in harm’s way through a chain of command that was broken.
Thanking the Surprise Tea Party for holding the meeting, Lakin said, “The commander in chief is transforming our country in an unconstitutional way.”
Barb Heller came to the podium to introduce Arpaio by reading an open letter to Arizona Republic columnist E.J. Montini by Kandace Ricotta from Scottsdale, who was also present that evening.
In her letter, Ricotta told Montini, “I am sick to death of your biased liberal rhetoric.”
Arpaio told the Tea Party group they had the power to speak out.
He said it was the Surprise Tea Party that asked him to look into Obama’s birth certificate.
He mentioned Sonoran News and said, “We need more investigative reporters. Linda Bentley brought us information we wouldn’t have had otherwise and we gave it to the Cold Case Posse and Mike Zullo.”
Arpaio said, “We’ve worked hard on this. It’s been two years. I don’t know where we’re going with this.”
“I was a bureaucrat for 30 years,” said Arpaio, “I always had a boss,” but stated it was now good to have citizens as his boss.
He also said the reason he’s fighting the Department of Justice is because his deputies are not racists.
Arpaio said the training they received by the feds allowed the use of race to determine if a person might be an illegal alien.
While talking about Obama’s forged birth certificate, he said, “We’ll see what happens. Show me the microfiche! I’m just going after fake documents.”
He pointed out no one from the media wanted to talk about it and those who showed up for both press conferences couldn’t care less about the evidence presented.
Arpaio said, “Mike’s (Zullo) worked hard on it. Let’s get someone to look at it.”
He mentioned how pretty much anyone can get a birth certificate saying they were born in Hawaii by simply showing an electric bill.
Arpaio said this is the greatest country but people have to fight for what’s right.
Expressing frustration with Congress’ renewed push for amnesty, Arpaio said, “So many people want to come here legally and wait years. Swim across the Rio Grande and get rewarded.”
Arpaio said the last couple of months have been tough with the recall, breaking his arm and a guy mailing him a bomb but Ava, his wife of 57 years, never complains.
However, Arpaio, who just celebrated his 81st birthday, stated he’s running again in 2016 and said, “I’m not just the toughest sheriff, I’m the oldest.”
Cold Case Posse lead investigator Lt. Mike Zullo told the audience if it weren’t for the sheriff and his posse, there wouldn’t be an investigation of Obama’s fraudulent documents.
Zullo said Arpaio is “standing as your shield” and the issue has cost him.
After speaking on Arpaio’s behalf at the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, where he presented evidence for three-and-a-half hours, Zullo said you could hear gasps in the audience and attendees saying they were believers who will be standing with Arpaio.
Zullo also said Reed Hayes, a certified document examiner, has filed a 40-page affidavit regarding his examination of Obama’s birth certificate in an upcoming eligibility case before Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore.
According to Zullo, some of the anomalies in Obama’s birth certificate were first discovered by Hayes, who has over 20 years of experience in document examination. In 1994 he was certified by the American Board of Forensic Examiners. In 2001 he was certified by the National Association of Document Examiners.
Zullo said, “Mr. Hayes’ conclusion after examining Barack Obama's long form birth certificate pretty much says it all. Hayes said, 'In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion the birth certificate is entirely fabricated.’”
Zullo stated there is great potential to get the issue before Congress and said Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, is deeply interested.
“Congress held hearings for steroids in baseball,” said Zullo. “This is a little more important.”
As far as Obama’s Selective Service registration goes, Zullo said, “I know that’s forged,” and stated he was able to recreate it in his living room.
Zullo said there will soon be a time when they will need the help of Tea Party groups across the country to give this a push.