JUNE 19, 2013
Scottsdale Airport Master Plan under way
Draft chapters available for review and comment

Scottsdale Airport is undergoing an update to its Master Plan. The plan is intended to be a proactive document which identifies and plans for future airport facility needs.
The Master Plan will focus on several key areas including aviation forecasts, demand/capacity, facility requirements, airfield design and safety standards, development alternatives and environmental reviews on airport property. It does not include noise abatement or studies. This was conducted thoroughly through a public process in 2005.
The draft working papers for Chapter One - Inventory and Chapter Two - Forecasts are available for review on the Airport Master Plan website. Please submit comments for these sections by Wednesday, June 26, 2013 via this electronic comment form: http://scottsdale.airportstudy.com/comments/.
Public participation is encouraged throughout the Master Plan process. The next public workshop is slated for this fall. Once scheduled, the meeting information will be posted on the Airport Master Plan website: http://scottsdale.airportstudy.com/.
For questions, contact Scottsdale Airport at 480-312-2321.