JUNE 12, 2013
Governor proclaims June 9-14 monsoon awareness week
PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer has proclaimed June 9-14 Monsoon Awareness Week in Arizona in anticipation of the 2013 monsoon and summer severe weather hazards.
JUNE 12, 2013
Grand Canyon Chapter of DAR welcomes new members
SCOTTSDALE – The Grand Canyon Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution held their May meeting on Saturday, May 4th at Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale. Three new members, two associate members and one reinstatement were welcomed to the chapter, and are pictured here.
From left to right, Kristen Titzck; Marjorie Collins, Membership Chairman; Cathy Rondeau; Melinda Snyder; Marian Hulka, Registrar; Dianne Cobb; Phyllis Gass; Katie Paulsen, Regent; and Yolanda McDonald.
The Grand Canyon Chapter will hold their next local meeting on Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 a.m. with a celebration of Constitution Week and the American Legion Post 64 presenting their program, “Evolution of the American Flag”.
For information on meetings or the DAR, contact Regent, Katie Paulsen, at [email protected].