JUNE 5, 2013
Laser pet therapies – The future is now!
Submitted by Animal Health Services

What is laser therapy? Laser Therapy is the application of a coherent light. The laser light consists of multiple light waves in which all the waves support one another. Laser therapy is a holistic, non-invasive, effective way to treat and manage many different conditions in pets. So, how does laser therapy work? The laser beam stimulates the cells and tissue to be healthy. It also reduces inflammation so that healing can begin. By reducing inflammation, the laser is also a great tool for helping to minimize pain of many chronic conditions.
During the treatment the pet may feel a painless tingling as the light enters the tissue and cells but it is very minimal. Laser therapy is a painless application of healing light. The treatment time depends on how chronic the condition is and the depth the laser light needs to reach to be effective. Most treatment though only takes between two and ten minutes and most pets show a positive difference within three or four treatments.
While no treatment can be guaranteed laser therapy has been proven to be effective in clinical studies and in rehab settings for both human and veterinary medical. Some of the conditions laser therapy can treat include acute and chronic otitis, intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia, cranial cruciate ligament, chronic pain and inflammation, degenerative joint disease, arthritis and much more!
If you are interested in laser therapy for your pet or would like more information please call Animal Health Services at 480-488-6181 or visit ahsvet.com.
JUNE 5, 2013
Heat exhaustion in pets

As we welcome the joys of summer such as swimming, barbequing, and baseball, we have to greet the heat. As temperatures increase it is vital to take the necessary precautions to protect pets from heat exhaustion.
Although there is not a set temperature considered too hot for animals, the high 80s and above can pose problems for pets, Dr. Stacy Eckman, lecturer at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM) said.
Every pet is different, however. Cats are usually more tolerant of the heat than dogs and can often find a shady place to lounge.
“It is very dependent on the pet itself. Overweight dogs and brachycephalic (short nosed dogs such as bulldogs) are at a greater risk for heat stroke/ exhaustion for even short period of times in warm weather,” Eckman said.
Other dogs that have a higher chance of heat exhaustion are those genetically sensitive to the heat and those not acclimated to the heat such as indoor dogs. Both dogs with long, thick coats and those with short, thin coats can become overheated.
Eckman said, generally, the first symptoms of heat exhaustion are lethargy and listlessness.
“They pant to try to cool themselves and can be anxious as they try to find a cool place,” she said.
She added that if pets are outside for too long and become overheated, they can develop diarrhea and vomiting.
If a pet has these symptoms, take them to a veterinarian immediately for a diagnosis and treatment. Do not put cold water or ice packs on the animal because it makes it harder for them to cool off.
To prevent heat exhaustion, Eckman suggested providing shade and fans for pets. She also emphasized the importance of having enough water for pets.
Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University.
Stories can be viewed at www.vetmed.tamu.edu/pet-talk.