MAY 22, 2013
It takes only minutes: Please don't leave pets in hot cars!
Each year, thousands of beloved companions succumb to heatstroke and suffocation when left in parked cars. It happens most often when people make quick stops – the dry cleaners, the bank or the local deli. Folks, we need to be clear on this: It takes only minutes for your pet to face death-and it doesn't have to be that hot out. On a 78-degree day, the temperature inside a parked car can reach 160 degrees. Even with the windows cracked.
You can help save pets from dying in hot cars. Simply take the following actions:
Educate people. You can post this flyer in your local grocery store, veterinary hospital, animal shelter and other local businesses.
• If you see something, say something. If you see a dog alone in a vehicle, immediately call animal control or 911. Local law officials have the ability to enter vehicle and rescue the pet. Do not leave until help has arrived.
• Try to find the car's owner. If you are out and you see a dog locked in a car, tell the nearby store manager immediately. Don't be shy.
• And please, no matter how much your dog loves to go along when you run errands, don't take a chance. Leave her home where she is safe.
For more information, please review this article from ASPCA: http://www.aspca.org/blog/~/media/files/pet-care/pets-in-hot-cars.pdf