BY LINDA BENTLEY | MARCH 20, 2013 gearing up for renewed fight against amnesty
Pearce: ‘Looking for warriors and people who understand the Constitution’

PHOENIX – Rusty Childress (r), who teamed up with Russell Pearce in 2004 in support of Proposition 200 (Protect Arizona Now), an initiative to fight illegal immigration and its costs to taxpayers, has teamed up with Pearce once again.
This time, Childress and Pearce (l), president of, are rallying up the masses to fight proposed immigration reform legislation that includes granting amnesty to illegal aliens.
Childress has reinvigorated several patriot biker organizations with his “Remember 1986!”
coalition in conjunction with to help strategize what Childress sums up as a last ditch effort to save the country.
Without taking a stand against amnesty, Childress said history has a habit of repeating itself and his group has drafted a call to action plan to defeat amnesty.
Some of the immigration reform suggestions include militarizing the border to gain full operational control of all trafficking and terrorist activity; implementation of a mandatory national worker eligibility program (E-Verify); increased penalties, including mandatory jail and fines, for employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens; tracking visa overstays with biometric data system and deporting violators; termination of birthright citizenship to those born to illegal aliens, which he says can be achieved by Congress with clarifying legislation; termination of chain migration; termination of the visa lottery; termination of public benefits for anyone in the country illegally or for visa holders; elimination of all catch and release policies; making illegal presence a felony; and other provisions.
Rather than having a visa lottery without any consideration of applicants’ skills, he suggested the establishment of a skill-based immigration selection policy.
As far as amnesty goes for anyone illegally present, Childress believes they should be given a specified period of time to return to their native country without being prosecuted. That would be the only kind of amnesty Childress believes lawbreakers should be given.
And, anyone found here illegally after that date should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Pearce told the packed room at Coco’s Restaurant, “This country is going bankrupt by what we’re doing,” and said he was more worried about doing what’s right than getting reelected.
“I have an obligation to the rule of law,” said Pearce, who stated the timing for people to get involved is now and it is urgent.
Blaming Republicans and Democrats alike, Pearce, as he is well known for saying, said “Enough is enough,” and stated he is “looking for warriors and people who understand the Constitution.”
Noting Arizona is ranked number one in Second Amendment Freedom (Guns & Ammo magazine), Pearce said we have become so over regulated.
He asked, “Why does the guy who cuts my hair need a license?” and said, “If I don’t like my haircut, I can go to someone else.”
Pearce believes we need to get rid of regulations and licensing requirements for people to start a business, work and earn a living.
He also pointed out since the passage of Senate Bill 1070, Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act, which Pearce introduced in 2010, Arizona has seen a 30-year low in the rate of crime.
SB1070, mirrored federal immigration laws and made similar provisions state laws so law enforcement in Arizona could enforce laws the federal government has refused to uphold at the expense of the citizens of Arizona.
While a few of the statute’s provisions were halted by the courts, 11 of the 14 provisions were upheld.
Although illegal aliens and open border zealots have protested the law in cities across the country, polling shows the law is supported by a majority of citizens in Arizona, as well as nationwide, and its passage has prompted other states to adopt similar legislation.
Childress provided “Remember 1986!” signs and bumper stickers so people can counter-protest at pro-amnesty events.
He also suggested anti-amnesty supporters register at for “Remember 1986 – Ban Amnesty Now” to stay informed about event and meeting announcements.
Childress also suggested people call into talk shows when the subject of amnesty is being discussed and to thank the call screener for covering this important topic.
He recommended joining, a website that provides timely alerts on immigration issues as well as free faxing to Congress.
Never be afraid to speak at public hearings sponsored by elected officials, said Childress, and write letters to the editor and/or phone newspaper reporters and editors to provide both positive and negative feedback.
He also said people can call the White House Comment Line 202-456-1111 to leave feedback on the amnesty issue.
Understanding and utilizing social media is a must, said Childress, who pointed out how much it is utilized by those on the pro-amnesty side of the debate.
For more information visit to sign up for updates and to contribute.
Stating he realizes this takes time out of people’s lives and there are other things people would rather be doing, Pearce stressed the importance of defeating amnesty to save the country.