MARCH 13, 2013
RidersUSA supports MCAO stance: NO bail for illegals
Riders United for a Sovereign America is disappointed that a group promoting the cause of Illegal Immigration in Maricopa County is protesting the will of Arizona voters. During the 2006 election, Prop 100 proved that 73 percent of those who voted in this election, thought it prudent to deny bail for those illegal aliens who commit a serious crime. Using a stolen or fabricated form of identity regardless of whether that individual in this country legally or illegally is against the law! We understand the need of supporting ones family and the temptation to cross the American Border is great, as opportunity abounds in our great country. However, this "migration" must be done according to the Laws of our Land … no exceptions! The current Federal Administration has given some incarcerated illegal aliens a get out of jail pass for nothing more than political reasons! Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is insisting they go through the LEGAL process within Federal and State guidelines before they are released from custody.
RidersUSA sympathizes with the families that are torn apart because one or more in a family are being incarcerated or deported due to being in the county illegally, but we do so with the same intensity as a family torn apart by a citizen of this country going to jail for any infraction of our laws when warranted. The common and overused complaint of these protesters is of “families being torn apart.” While true, this is obviously the fault of the individual who broke the law and put their family in this situation, not the immigration laws of the country and the state.
RidersUSA looks forward to the MCAO continuation of enforcing our laws in an unbiased manner. We salute Bill Montgomery for his diligence in dealing with the illegal immigration problem that Maricopa County and the nation as a whole faces. We applaud him for upholding the lawful will of the people.
We encourage the MCAO to continue adherence to Prop 100 and the Rule of Law.