MARCH 13, 2013

A Demonstration of blacksmith skill and artistry

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We all have visions of the Village Blacksmith.
“…a mighty man is he,
With large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawny arms
are strong as iron bands.”

Longfellow left us with this image for all time, but today another image is replacing this long cherished icon. Today’s blacksmith is an artist and a sculptor as well as a craftsman.

richard bentOn March 23 and 24, you are invited to Pioneer Village to witness the skill and artistry of Blacksmith Richard Bent (r). The demonstration, sponsored by Arizona Artist Blacksmiths Association, will begin with Richard arriving at the forging station equipped with only a hammer and a pair of hands. As the demonstration progresses, he will make tools as they are needed and explain their use. This promises to be an entertaining, vigorous, noisy and energetic event.

Richard is an award winning Fellow of London’s Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths. He is noted for his commissioned pieces of art found in both public and private collections in the United Kingdom. His work can be viewed at

The demonstration is being held in the blacksmith shop at Pioneer Village Living History Museum starting at 9:00 am. Normal Pioneer Village entrance fees provide admission for the general public.

Pioneer Living History Museum is located off I-17 at Pioneer exit 225. It is just south of Daisy Mountain and north of Carefree Highway. Open daily; Wednesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Entrance fees are $7 for adults, $5 for students 5-17 years, $6 for seniors 60+. Children under 5 years of age are free. You can find more exciting Pioneer events at: For more information call Pioneer at: 623-465-1052.