MARCH 11, 2013
In Memoriam

In memory of Mike Hiltner
Born July 25, 1951
It is really hard getting over losing you.
We loved you, hated your cigar! Just for one more whiff!!!
We played Wii with you. You may have been a great cyclist and good at real bowling, but you really were pathetic at Wii.
You shared many aspects of your life, both good and bad. We did not know that your demons were so vicious, wish we could have helped!
We respected your love of your father, it must have been very hard to take that step and leave him. We did not walk in your shoes so don’t know what was so dreadful in your mind.
We loved your wit, honesty and spirit, plus you were pretty darn cute!
You were always flitting around, kind of like an “elusive butterfly.”
You are gone now but will always be in our minds and hearts.
Mike left us on February 21, 2013.
Farewell “elusive butterfly” – your gal pals at The American Legion
Just one more whiff!!!