My View

my view by don sorchychBY DON SORCHYCH | FEBRUARY 20, 2013

Cave Creek 2013 election

Mike Chutz came to Cave Creek in 2011 and yet he is driving a program to replace one of the finest councils we are fortunate to have. He has recruited the bottom of the barrel locally to replace the team who has stabilized the town during a very rough period.

And yet we cannot find evidence Chutz is even registered to vote in Cave Creek elections since he decided to remain a Sewickly, Penn. voter. In that respect, and being a perennial against all that is good, he resembles his political cohort, Anna Marsolo.

Guest Editorials:


Reelect the town council

A special interest slate of candidates for town council led by Scottsdale lobbyist Adam Trenk has organized for the purpose of sweeping the current town council out of office, firing key staff who disagree with them and stopping all development. If elected, that is exactly what they will do which will set Cave Creek back 20 years. Residents who attended the Sonoran News Candidate Forum on January 30 understand how uninformed and misguided but determined these people are. Before you even think about voting for them, consider the following facts:


Out-of-town interest, out-of-town money

What did Cave Creek do to deserve all this attention from nonresidents?

The February 13 Scottsdale Republic reminded me of the significant out-of-town influence being dumped on Cave Creek residents for the upcoming town council election. The Republic has, among other things, a full page paid advertisement from Mike “Pittsburgh” Chutz tearing into Don Sorchych and tearing down the town (shades of Terry Zerkle), complete with his list of dramatic ‘old news’ questions and a letter from Ms. Anna Marsolo, a county resident all too willing to tell Cave Creek how to manage its affairs. Then we have Adam “Scottsdale” Trenk, the apparent leader of slate of special interest candidates and let us not forget Carefree’s own Jim Pierce. Let’s look a little closer.