VOL. 19  ISSUE NO. 7   | FEBRUARY 13 – 19, 2013

FEBRUARY 20, 2013

Volunteer Stewardship opportunities with Desert Foothills Land Trust

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CAVE CREEK – Desert Foothills Land Trust is pleased to offer an opportunity for North Valley community members to become personally involved in protecting the landscape they love through volunteer activity.

The Land Trust is offering six in-depth Steward and Docent Training classes, which will cover natural history, geology, invasive species and other topics related to preserve management and land conservation activities.  Stewards and Docents who complete all six courses, plus the volunteer orientation session, will have the opportunity to "adopt" a preserve to assist the Land Trust with monitoring and management activities, leading guided hikes and providing preserve visitors with information. 

The classes are led by local natural history experts, and include classroom time, followed by field work at properties protected by the Land Trust. The program is a terrific opportunity to learn more about Sonoran Desert natural history, and to put that information to good use for land conservation. Please call 480-488-6131 to register or get more information.

Event Details:
Steward and Docent Training 
Thursdays, 9 a.m. – Noon, February 21 through March 28
Space is limited and reservations are required
Please RSVP to Vicki Domonkos: 480-488-6131 or [email protected]

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