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February 6 - 12, 2013


For All Signs: Mercury, ancient messenger god, is unusually busy throughout this week. This suggests most of us will be preoccupied with communication of one form or another. There may be many phone calls, messages, letters, quick conversa-tions, rapid decisions, and/or papers to write. We are approaching a Mercury retrograde on Feb. 23. Projects we start that can be accomplished very quickly will probably work fine. However, be aware that if you begin a Mercurial project that requires more than two weeks to finish, it may take many more weeks before it is concluded. (Check the evening sky at twilight and you will see Mercury in the west.)

Aries: Over the next six weeks life will work more smoothly if you let yourself be led by the "signs," circumstances, and people around you. It will not be a time to attack in anger or initiate new ideas, but to respond to what comes your way. Think before you act. Write letters that you don’t intend to mail, if need be.

Taurus: You are in an especially cordial frame of mind at this time, and likely to invite people to your home, or to share whatever you have to offer. Your spirits are high and you have a need to be social. You are interested in whatever feels luxurious, looks beautiful, or tickles the senses. Going overboard would be all too easy!

Gemini: Early in the week you may feel lethargic and unable to rise off your backside. Don’t beat yourself for this. Take a break. By the weekend your energy returns and you are ready to involve yourself with the world again. You may become absorbed in unraveling an intellectual puzzle that pleases your mind.

Cancer: Favorable experiences come through sharing resources with others. It is possible you may be given a token of affection. Money may come to you through insurance, an estate, or an investment. You may feel conflicted about this, but accept this gift with grace. You deserve it.
Leo: You may feel out of sorts this week. Your feelings are in conflict with your ideal self and your values. You want to put your best foot forward, but circumstances do not feel quite right. If the conflict is deep, it is usually best to wait and not yield to whatever pressure is around you. You will sort it all out soon enough.

Virgo: For the next six weeks, almost everything you do will be in reaction to someone else. That might be your partner, multiple clientele, or professionals that you consult. You will want to experiment with and try on multiple points of view. You probably will be taking "polls" among friends and associates.

Libra: There are more than enough social things to do this week and your calendar may be loaded. However, you are in a serious frame of mind and feel a strong need to get things accomplished. Financial worries may be at the heart of this. If you pour on the energy, you will manage both your work and your social life.

Scorpio: It is important that you have mental activity this week. If your mind is not productive, then you may become irritable and say things you don’t really mean. You want to take the initiative in romance and this is a good time for that. If you are with children, play really active games. Wear yourselves out.

Sagittarius: Aspects are highly favorable for love and social life. Family life, however, may not be so easy. The Archers are known to procrastinate and family members (maybe those inside your head) are ready for you to get on with projects started some time ago. You need to clean out clutter and bring closure to those things you really intend to finish.

Capricorn: This is an excellent time to pursue any activity that requires your mental concentration. Contracts and written communications, along with short distance travel, have go signals. Your activities related to community and network building will be fruitful. Focus your mind on a mentally challenging project and you will feel good about its progress.

Aquarius: You are up for whatever is fun this week. Aspects favor romance and play. Meanwhile, there are career demands that threaten to dump water all over your playtime. It is probable you will find the Golden Mean between work and play.

Pisces: Take your vitamins and get plenty of rest this week. You are subject to allergic reactions or opportunistic viruses that cross your path. Your mind may feel foggy and unclear (perhaps due to allergy medications). Drive and handle tools carefully. Your dreaming mind could be especially active now.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit