DECEMBER 19, 2012
Constitution Party – CPUSA – On the move
TPATH – During the past several weeks TPATH has posted updates relating to the need for a constitutional and conservative alternative to both the Democrat Party and the GOP. Please visit if you missed any of the updates.
After our last article on this subject we posted an email link for those who would like to help get this very important initiative moving across this country. The response was amazing but many people didn’t provide the required contact information.
So we have posted a Contact Form for anyone who would like to help. This is not a call for donations, but to gather information, find and vet candidates and help get people registered with CPUSA across this nation.
Even if you have already sent an e-mail wanting to help, please go to the form and submit it.
Another few thoughts on this third party concept. What would it take to get this idea off the ground and running in a big way?
The answer is finding great candidates who may now be Republicans or even Democrats who will be willing to take up the CPUSA platform, who are already well known and who have shown the backbone and desire to work within the Constitution.
TPATH is not breaking any news. They have no knowledge or information regarding whether someone like Alan West could be drafted and run for President under the CPUSA. But, that type of candidate would instantly bring CPUSA into the game.
Finally, despite the fact that Obama has been re-elected, albeit fraudulently and on many fronts, this country remains a mostly conservative people. If we can get them to join the CPUSA party and let the Dems and the GOP split the left and moderate vote, our candidate and our country, wins.