Burglars hit another Carefree residence
Captain Rich Burden said he can’t stress enough how important it is for people to call 911 as soon as they encounter any suspicious activity

CAREFREE – On Monday, Nov. 19, burglars hit a home in Carefree in the vicinity of Pima and Cave Creek roads. Although the homeowner was not home at the time, her daughter was in the guesthouse with her baby.
According to the homeowner, prior to the burglary, she received three phone calls that were hang-ups.
The burglars entered the main house through a sliding glass door and left through another door, making off with jewelry and some electronics.
The homeowner said the burglar then knocked on the door of the guest house. Thinking it was her mother, the homeowner’s daughter answered the door to find a strange man standing there.
The man then asked her where another address was and left.
Although the daughter though it odd, she didn’t realize the main house had already been burglarized.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office had the daughter look at a photo lineup of possible suspects based on her description but she was unable to identify any of the men as the one who came to the door.
MCSO Captain Rich Burden said he can’t stress enough how important it is for people to call 911 as soon as they encounter any suspicious activity and make a note of as much information as possible, such as the make, model, color and license number of the vehicle involved.
MCSO has been clamping down and busting burglary crews in the area but need the community’s help in catching them. And, for every crew they bust, another one seems to take their place.
For tips on how to ward off burglars and keep valuables safe, Burden has prepared this handout.