DECEMBER 5, 2012
Kiwanis Club of Carefree’s Desert Foothills Key Club members meet Gabby
Desert Foothills Key Club members Jenalee Beazley and Bailey Brown meet Gabrielle Giffords on Tuesday at Arizona Town Hall.

DECEMBER 5, 2012
Rural/Metro toy drive
The annual Rural/Metro toy drive is now under way!
DECEMBER 5, 2012
Scottsdale Resident Receives DAR Outstanding Junior Award for Service
SCOTTSDALE – The Grand Canyon Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is proud to announce that one of their members, Katie Paulsen, was recognized as the 2012 Arizona Outstanding Junior and became one of eight finalists in the national contest, among over 30 contestants.
DECEMBER 5, 2012
Traffic Safety Coalition launches anti-texting and driving campaign in support of AT&T’s “It Can Wait” Campaign
CHICAGO – The Traffic Safety Coalition (TSC), a national not-for-profit organization working to improve road safety, is launching an anti-texting and driving campaign and supporting AT&T’s national “It Can Wait” campaign to educate the public on the dangers of texting and driving.