Guest Editorial

We the People are the force!

Written in 1957 by Ayn Rand, “Atlas Shrugged,” which was again put to the silver screen recently, is relevant even more in today’s world than many decades ago. Published during a period when socialism and communism were on the march in Europe, the Soviet Union and China, Rand foresaw government taking over in our nation as well, removing from our lives the incentive to produce and prosper freely, and instead sharing and redistributing wealth. In response, key industrialists, led by the other main character, John Galt, literally destroy their own companies to deny this monstrous and inherently evil government access to their resources. They then flee “civilization” for a secret refuge in Colorado, waiting for the time when the nation predictably collapses under government rule. Only then will they return to rebuild the nation and restore freedom and individual initiative – which Rand sees as the driving force of mankind.
Rand’s vision of total government control has come true, particularly under the reign of President Barack Hussein Obama and his leftist comrades. Indeed, Obama’s calls to redistribute wealth, to tax heavily those who produce and prosper, and to in effect loot the motors of our society to give to others who do not contribute much of anything, should create a chill in any reader’s soul. Rand’s vision has indeed become reality as the country sinks into economic abyss and social retardation.
However, the blame does not just fall on Obama. This steady slide toward socialism and the Robin Hood mentality to loot the rich to give to the so-called poor has been thrust upon us by several past administrations, culminating in the now-infamous Obamacare. And, all the while, We the People have just stood by and watched it happen. Now the nation is on the precipice of disaster, and the uneducated masses –distracted with mindless reality shows, smart phones and intellectually worthless social media – are clueless.
The representatives we have sent to Congress and the White House have not represented us, but instead only their governmental selves. Even Republicans, the claimed party of less government, have collaborated to remove the freedoms our Founding Fathers envisioned and successfully fought for.
Apart from the destructive actions of the legislative and executive branches of government, the judiciary has played a substantial role as well in bringing the nation to its knees and enslaving us to the “god of government.” Judges, who are either put in place through political patronage – that is by politicians – or elected through contributions by special interests, have become the yes men of the establishment governmental elite of the other two branches. In effect, these “kangaroo courts” do the dirty work for other government officials to keep the people down and in their “place.” The judicial minions, as I will call them, are even worse than their masters, as they seek to legitimize the corrupt and destructive actions of those who put them in power.
This column is not permitted enough words to educate readers on the many instances I have experienced in recent years where judges intentionally made either clearly wrong rulings (i.e., over Obama’s eligibility) or put cases on ice to avoid having to reach a determination on a politically charged issue or matter. As just one example, a leftist judge in New York City, Justice Lucy Billings, for two years has sat on a simple nuisance lawsuit (filed by a first responder who was fatally injured trying to save victims of 9/11) to shut down the Ground Zero mosque.
Justice Billings has not even ruled on the preliminary motion of radical Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to dismiss the case. This is because Billings knows that our case has merit and must go forward. So, despite many pleas to her to get the show on the road, she does nothing.
But Justice Billings’ perversion of the rule of law is not isolated. The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has dismissed or sat on tens of crucial cases challenging government power and the ethics of the judiciary. This federal court is, in principle, the most important one in the land when it comes to checking government abuse, and it has instead become the rubber stamp for the political benefactors who got the judges their lifetime jobs. And when the actions of its judges are challenged, fellow judges of this court simply circle the wagons and protect their colleagues from scrutiny, much less remedial punishment. The federal court in D.C. is not alone. The courts in general have grown even more corrupt over the last two decades since I founded Judicial Watch in 1994 to police judges in particular.
With this slide toward government power enabled by the judiciary, I have regrettably come to the conclusion that I must move outside of “the corrupt system” and instead use the God-given rights our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us: the Citizens’ Grand Jury. And, just this week, as reported by WND, as Citizens’ Prosecutor I appeared before a Citizens’ Grand Jury in Ocala, Fla., to seek the criminal indictment of President Obama and Vice President Biden for their having illegally breached and compromised U.S. national security.
See After presenting evidence of probable cause that the crimes had been committed, the Citizens’ Grand Jury, comprised of 16 jurors, returned a true bill of indictment. Obama and Biden will now be put on notice of the criminal charges against them and be provided with an opportunity to plead guilty or not-guilty at an arraignment. They then will be tried before a people’s court. I am confident that they will be convicted. This is just the beginning of our use of Citizens’ Grand Juries and other legal and peaceful means to reclaim our nation from the cancerous hold of our government officials.
Ayn Rand, if she had been alive, would obviously have approved. As in Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged,” she would have realized that We the People can no longer do business with government. Instead, like John Galt and his entrepreneurial colleagues, we must not simply wait for its present incarnation to be destroyed under its own weight; we ourselves must also be prepared to take actions to restore the nation to its original greatness.
Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment."