Cave Creek citizens concerned about paving trails, litter, camping at Walmart

CAVE CREEK – Mayor Vincent Francia thanked Johnny Ringo and Marshal Adam Stein for a great Wild West Days during Monday night’s meeting before reminding everyone to vote the next day.
Call to the Public brought Anna Marsolo to the podium to let council know about a recently paved driveway on School House Road that completely covers that section of the town’s trail.
Marsolo stated paving of any sort is dangerous for horses, provided council with a photo of the brick paver driveway and suggested the town place the issue on a future agenda. She indicated ordinance prohibits the placement of hard surfaces over trails on publicly owned property.
After mentioning how a neighbor of his wanted to put a trailer on his own property a few years ago but couldn’t obtain a permit from the town, Charles Spitzer advised council people in trailers seem to be setting up camp in the Walmart parking lot complete with satellite dishes and all.
Suzanne Wright told council when she hikes along Spur Cross and Cave Creek roads she’s noticed a lot of litter. She suggested the town consider putting up “No Littering” signs.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Captain Rich Burden also spoke during Call to the Public about how MCSO wants to work closely with businesses, residents and property owners to discourage criminal activity in the community.
He handed out literature with advice on how to better protect property from burglaries and said increased drug use in Phoenix has burglars traveling into nicer, more affluent and less crowded areas to commit their crimes.
Burden recommended citizens take note of suspicious behavior, since no one knows their neighborhoods better than they do, and said, “We’re on wheels, we’re mobile and we do make house calls.”
Councilman Steve LaMar also took to the podium during Call to the Public to say three citizens commended Stein for being the first responder when participants were injured during the Running of the Bulls event.
Francia announced Park West Partners had requested another continuance for its general plan amendment and rezoning applications, which council voted unanimously to continue to the Dec. 3 meeting.