VOL. 18  ISSUE NO. 43   |   OCTOBER 24 – 30, 2012

OCTOBER 24, 2012

Congressman David Schweikert urges voters to reject Prop 204

Warns Constituents of the devastating effect the $1 billion tax increase will have on Arizona’s economy
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PHOENIX — Congressman David Schweikert recently announced his opposition to Proposition 204, the permanent $1 billion annual tax increase. Congressman Schweikert joins a growing list of community and business leaders who understand Arizona needs real education reform and that Prop 204 is not the answer.

"Proposition 204 is a special interest funded effort to make permanent the 1 cent sales tax due to expire,” said Congressman Schweikert. “Prop 100 was sold to voters as a temporary tax and many of the supporters of the temporary tax are now opposing Proposition 204."

Congressman Schweikert is a proven protector of hard earned taxpayer dollars who opposes higher taxes as a matter of principle. He understands the devastating effect that this permanent tax would have on hardworking Arizona families during a time of economic recovery.

“Simply put, this is bad for our local economy,” added Schweikert. “If you believe in smaller government and lower taxes, I would encourage you to vote no on Proposition 204.”

If passed, Prop 204 will result in Arizona having the 2nd highest sales tax in America, only behind Tennessee, a state with no income tax. The lack of accountability and the heavy input from special interest groups make Prop 204 wildly unpredictable.

“Our coalition grows by the day, and public opinion is moving decidedly in our favor," said No New Taxes, No on 204 Chairman Doug Ducey. “We greatly appreciate Congressman Schweikert’s service to Arizona and his support in preventing bad public policy.”

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