CLS Cycles granted SUP for move to larger quarters
Chucri vows to bring character back to county government

Steve Chucri, who is running for Maricopa County Supervisor in District 2, addressed the citizens of Cave Creek with his son Grant during Monday night’s council meeting. Photo by Linda Bentley
CAVE CREEK – Mayor Vincent Francia reminded everyone about The Taste of Cave Creek this Wednesday and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Stagecoach Village.
Francia then introduced Steve Chucri who is running for Maricopa County Supervisor in District 2.
Accompanied by his son Grant, Chucri, president and CEO of the Arizona Restaurant Association, said his is a native Arizonan of Lebanese descent.
He said his grandfather was stabbed to death in the capital city of Beirut for standing up and saying, “I am a Christian.”
Chucri also told how he and his family took care of his dad for 15 years following a head injury.
According to Chucri, these are things that build character, something he believes the county is currently lacking.
“There’s a lapse in dialogue between the county and our cities,” said Chucri, adding, “This ‘gotcha’ mentality has got to stop. They’ve forgotten who they serve.”
During Call to the Public, Bob Moore thanked staff for being so responsive to a request to trim the trees at the Galloway Drive entrance to Stagecoach Village, which he said interfered with the line of sight.
He also asked the town to look into improving the language in section 3C of the planning department application request, stating it needs more specific language as to how light, noise and odor impact area residents.
Council voted unanimously to approve the purchase of a tablet chlorination system in the amount of $15,849.
Utilities Manager Jessica Marlow said when water sits in the pipes for any extended period, the chlorine levels drop off. She said there have been recent write-ups about municipal water suppliers that have had to tell their customers to boil their water before using.
Although the town’s levels have never been in violation, Marlow said this would be a system safeguard.
Council unanimously adopted a resolution, placed on the agenda by Town Engineer Wayne Anderson, to enter into an intergovern-mental agreement (IGA) between the town and Maricopa County for a cooperative road mainten-ance agreement.
Anderson said this would be the second renewal of a five-year agreement that’s been in place for 10 years.
He said the IGA provides the town with access to the county’s vast resources and the wording is exactly the same wording that’s been in place for the past 10 years.
Most of the people in the audience were there to speak on Park West Partners’ two agenda items for a general plan amendment and rezoning application for property just west of the CVS Drug Store at the corner of Cave Creek Road and Carefree Highway.
However, because one of their technical consultants was unavailable for Monday’s meeting, the applicant requested the case be continued to Nov. 5.
Because council voted to grant the continuance there was no discussion or public comment.
The last item on the agenda was Cameron Smith’s (r) application for a special use permit (SUP) for CLS Cycles.
Because the property, located at 37420 N. Cave Creek Road, next door to Cave Creek Welding, was previously used as a cabinet shop, an SUP was required for Smith to operate a motorcycle repair/mechanic shop at that location.
Although there was a lot of dialogue and concerns raised during the planning commission meeting, the commission unanimously recommended approval for the SUP without any restrictions.
Smith told council “opportunity knocked” that will enable him to expand his shop space from 500 square feet to 3,800 square feet.
Smith appeared jubilant after council, with neither questions nor concerns, voted unanimously to approve the SUP.