SEPTEMBER 26, 2012
Medicare information and assistance available at All Saints Lutheran Church in North Phoenix

PHOENIX – The Benefits Assistance Program of the Area Agency on Aging, Region One together with All Saints Lutheran Church is now offering Medicare counseling at the church in North Phoenix. Counseling will be provided by trained volunteers beginning in October on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month from 12:30 – 3 p.m., in the church offices located at 15649 N. 7th St. in North Phoenix. This counseling site for the Benefits Assistance Program adds to the 40 sites already in operation in Maricopa County. “All Saints Lutheran is proud to partner with the Area Agency on Aging to provide Medicare information and outreach to North Phoenix residents,” said Pastor Joseph Dillon.
The benefits counselors will assist residents with all Medicare and Medicaid related needs and questions including enrollment assistance, problem solving, and general information. All counseling is independent, unbiased, and offered without charge. The services are part of the State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) funded by Medicare to assist beneficiaries.
The Benefits Assistance Program is one of many services available from the Area Agency on Aging, Region One to support seniors (60 years and older) and disabled individuals. To learn more about all programs and services call the Area Agency’s 24-Hour Senior HELP LINE at 602-264-4357(HELP). Visit us online at