SEPTEMBER 26, 2012
Green neighborhoods topic of October Green Building Lecture

Learn about sustainable urbanism and what makes a green neighborhood at the Thursday, Oct. 4, Green Building Lecture. The free program is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Granite Reef Senior Center, 1700 N. Granite Reef Road. Hear about inherent green attributes of south Scottsdale neighborhoods and planning initiatives to strengthen the character of this area at the site, street, neighborhood and character area levels. Sustainable/green neighborhoods include walkability, bicycle networks, transportation options, connectivity to diverse services, historic preservation, mixed-income diversity, mixed-use neighborhood centers, density diversity, open spaces, and access to civic spaces and recreation facilities.
Program presenters include:
* Anthony Floyd, Green Building Program Manger: Intro to sustainable urbanism and green neighborhoods
* Don Meserve, Historic Preservation Planner: A quick history of Scottsdale and sustainable attributes of southern Scottsdale post World War II neighborhoods
* Mary Vandevord, Senior Planner: Green planning at the neighborhood and character area level
* Ross Cromarty, Project Coordination Liaison: Green long range planning and the general plan
This lecture is one in a series on green building topics. Here’s the remaining schedule:
Nov. 1 – Energy Audits: Making Sense of the Results and Taking Action
Dec. 6 – Water Reuse Applications: Rainwater and Graywater Case Studies
Feb. 7, 2013 – Edible Landscapes and Community Gardens
March 7, 2013 – Green Labels and Healthy Homes
April 4, 2013 – Passive Design Strategies: Insulation Versus Mass
May 2, 2013 – Alternative Building Materials and Systems
June 6, 2013 – Innovative Green Built Projects
Scottsdale Green Building Lectures are from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Granite Reef Senior Center, 1700 N. Granite Reef Road. They are free and open to the public. RSVPs are not needed. For more information, call 480-312-3111 or visit