SEPTEMBER 19, 2012
What Cave Creek event do you love best?
An invitation for residents ...
CAVE CREEK – Taste of Cave Creek, Bicycle Fest, Firefighters Chili Cook-off, Mutton Bustin’, Wild West Days Parade, Fiesta Day Rodeo, Bathtub Races, Running with the Bulls ... with which of these events would you most like to be involved? There are many more from which choose.
You are invited to join, as a Resident Member, the newly formed Cave Creek Merchants and Events Association (CCMEA). Your resident membership means you will be supporting and participating in the many wonderful events that help to make Cave Creek so unique. As a Resident Membership volunteer at your favorite Cave Creek events is only $25 annually for 2013 if paid by December 1 and better yet, free for the rest of 2012! Your name will appear as a supporter on the website (currently under construction) and you will be invited to CCMEA “Meet Your Merchants & Neighbors” social events as well as other benefits as they are developed.
The person in charge of volunteers (CCMEA is an all-volunteer organization) is Leslie Jensen of Farm Bureau Insurance. Stop by her office, 67 steps east of the Dairy Queen on Cave Creek Road or give her a call at 480-575-0710. She will be happy to note events of special interest for all individual members on a volunteer roster or you may simply want to note them on your application. When a particular need arises, the volunteer roster will be checked in order to match the people most likely to have fun while donating their time in our community.
This is going to be fun, everyone! It’s a totally new way to become an integral part of Cave Creek and positively influence the success of our town. “The more resident and business members we have, the more we can do to promote Cave Creek. Then as new friendships develop, life becomes more meaningful and fun,” stated Mark Stevens, vice president of the CCMEA.
Why wait? You know what you like to do and where you fit best! If you don’t have a preference, you may find your passion when you help at the first event for which you volunteer.
Membership applications (business and individual) are available at Farm Bureau Insurance, Sonoran News and The Document House.
This is a special invitation to residents. In addition, membership invitations to business are going out very soon. If you are a business owner and need information, have questions or wish to join, please stop by one of the businesses listed above or call Leslie Jensen at 480-575-0710., the CCMEA website, where you will also be able to download application forms, will be live soon. We will announce it online, in print and on Facebook and Twitter. Watch for it!