September 19 – 25, 2012
For All Signs: The second of seven exact Uranus/Pluto aspects is exact this week. As I write this column in July, I think it is possible that global events of the fall will have a dramatic impact on the outcome of the Presidential Election. Negotiations around the world will break down during this period. It is even remotely possible that one of the earth’s satellites will be hit with a coronal mass ejection that truly creates damage. Symbols suggest problems with electronics and communications equipment. Traffic may be snarled or jammed in numerous places.
Aries: This is a really challenging time for you and many others as well. You may be presented with a relationship issue that will cause you to depart a negative bond. Perhaps it is time. If this is someone you truly don’t want to lose, then watch your temper and attempt to work beyond problems.
Taurus: There are two relationships that draw your attention front and center at this time. One of them is in trouble and will create more problems at the end of the week. The other is coming to a turning point of awareness. The latter is asking you to grow in maturity if it is to continue.
Gemini: Those who have not been tending to investments, debts, or resources that you share with your partner may be in for a big surprise at this time. One or more of your children may spur you forward to deal with affairs of your estate. Death and after-life issues may become a topic of importance.
Cancer: You could be having unusually intense feelings about yourself and your direction in life. In some way it is important to hold onto the truth of who you are and not allow another to tell you what he/she wants you to be. It is also possible that your life is being tampered with by an authority figure. Remember that you are a far greater being than the secular world may allow.
Leo: Aspects particularly favor those involved in teaching or learning. Activities involving your siblings and also your local neighborhood, interests related to anything high tech or of an electrical nature flow well. You are at the hub of a wheel of communications. Others look to you for your leadership.
Virgo: Financial matters require your attention now. There could be a certain amount of drama in this department, such as a sudden need to access a large sum of money. Hold onto your natural caution. Think about this before you accept the drama at face value. Is it your drama or someone else’s?
Libra: Many who are upset will be seeking your solace and gift of listening. Do not overload your schedule because even you, the peaceful warrior, may feel short tempered. Drive carefully. Vehicles, tools, or other things may suddenly break. Concentrate on staying with your center.
Scorpio: Caution! Giant waves ahead! You are headed toward work and relationship troubles. Only the sharpest of concentration can help you steer through. It is best to keep your mouth shut, especially if angry. Nothing you do or say is “right,” so do not offer your opinion right now.
Sagittarius: Your optimistic attitude causes others to join your bandwagon and support your projects. You can envision a grand result and are able to express it in a way that others can understand. Activities involving travel, education, publication, the Internet, and church affiliation are favorable.
Capricorn: “Shock” is the word for the week or even the month. Either you will shock others or someone may shock you. Communications are going badly, so give it some cool off time before you respond to unusual situations. Avoid the strong temptation to take control of whatever goes amiss. This is a good time to “go with the flow”.
Aquarius: Anytime this fall you may discover information about yourself that you never before recognized. If there are skeletons in the family closet, it is time for exposure. Drive with special care. The overall traffic is challenging this week and it is particularly so for you.
Pisces: This is a week in which you must look at debt, along with taxes, estate matters, or any other type of resource that you share with others. It is possible that you have been operating under an illusion related to these matters. The truth surfaces now so that you can handle your resources with more valid information.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at (704) 366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments (there is a charge). Blog: http://www.horoscopesbyvivian.com