Pet vet, ER, blood bank AND spa? Yip, all at Animal Health Services!

CAVE CREEK – If you've missed the banner, Animal Health Services (AHS) is open 24/7. And it's been a blessing for those with dogs who have had late night run-ins with rattlers or coyotes seeking a pet for a snack. The veterinary professionals are there for you, all day, every day.

And there's lot of other exciting services. Did you know there is grief counseling every other Thursday beginning at 7 p.m.? Losing a pet can be traumatic. Share your heartache with others who empathize and will help you heal.

Like people, pets may need blood or plasma. AHS is helping to meet the demands with K9 Blood Buddies. Your dog can be one of an elite team of canine heroes. Ask if your precious pooch qualifies to be a donor.

dr cliff favorAt the beginning of 2012, Cliff Faver, DVM, owner of AHS, introduced cold laser technology, which stimulates the body to heal itself. He's seen it work effectively on arthritis and for faster wound healing, though it has countless uses. And, compared to sugar wraps often used to heal lacerations and bites, cold lasers can be more cost-effective.

The Tender Paw Day Spa is a big hit with canines AND felines. One reason may be the Iv San Bernard product line. Might sound decadent, but there's pricing from economy to high-end spa miracles. Iv San Bernard comes from Italy, is cruelty-free and sold exclusively in the U.S. at Animal Health Services. For more, see The stuff is amazing!

Since 1994, Animal Health Services has been tending to companion animals, exotics included. The practice has grown bigger and better. See more online at (learn about more cat-friendly practices and Bubbles to Beds candidates for rescue pets) or visit Facebook, Twitter or Flicker.

Animal Health Services is located 37555 N. Cave Creek Rd. Call 480-488-6181 for an appointment.