August 22 – 28, 2012

For All Signs: This challenging era of the Uranus/Pluto square that began in 2008 will continue through 2015. The fallout will continue for another decade. It is time we take responsibility for managing our emotions and grow beyond our collective adolescence. Big egos make Big Wars. The Ego is only one part of the psyche. Seek to distinguish egoic motives from the authentic. Each of us needs to waken to the fact that we must be contributors to the whole, rather than vampires. Even those who have been forced to welfare or food stamps can find productive activities within their communities. (We’ll give plenty of allowance for the elderly, small children, and the infirm.) It is important we return to integrity in our dealings with each other. The Western culture has become confused about balanced interdependence and has created an unhealthy habitual codependence. It is imperative we waken from this trance and create a new reality.
Aries: You are at the end of a cycle that began in early July. On the 23rd your attention will begin to shift toward issues of intimacy and partnership, joint and corporate financial matters, taxes, and/or estate and business planning. Your instincts regarding investments will be good through the end of this month.
Taurus: You have been concerned with issues of security. For many people, this is related to money and resources. You have been fortunate in the past year that money owed to you has been paid. This week you are likely to feel compelled to focus on your economic future.
Gemini: You have favorable aspects for travel, education, and socializing with neighbors, roommates, and siblings through the weekend. As next week begins, you may encounter troubles with your vehicle. Take pleasure in your weekend activities.
Cancer: You might feel out of sorts this week. Your feelings are in conflict with your ideal self and your values. You want to put your best foot forward, but circumstances do not feel quite right. If the conflict is deep, it is usually best to wait and not yield to whatever pressure is around you. While being still, you will sort it all out.
Leo: After the 22nd your locus of attention shifts to the subject of finances and scrutiny of your values. Is your money following that which you hold in highest regard? You may be taking a good look at your debt or your estate. If you have avoided these topics for a while, you may be in for a surprise.
Virgo: The Sun has re-entered your birth sign. Generally this is uplifting. However, this year before you can truly celebrate, you must face a Gorgon. It might be your Inner Critic (which always exaggerates negatively). If the Gorgon is someone else, then maybe you are realizing you have a vampire and must disentangle yourself.
Libra: Your “public” world has expectations and just right now it may feel like they are more than you want to handle. Too many requests may lead you to think that you should quit or leave the scene. Do what you can to put off some demands until next week when you will generally feel better.
Scorpio: Mars, the warrior, enters your sign this week and will be traveling with you for seven weeks. This energy is especially helpful in defining our boundaries. Periodically we need to examine who we are and also who we are not. Often something is eliminated. In general, it increases your courage and physical strength.
Sagittarius: Issues with property or needy family members are still ongoing. Meanwhile, this week you have an aspect that favors travel, legal interests, education, Internet activities, and enjoying your relationship to your partner. Focus your attention on the positive. The rest will generally resolve itself.
Capricorn: You are experiencing changes in the areas of shared resources, investments, alimony, or inheritance. At this time you are mentally quarreling with yourself or with others over finding a solution to the problem. You want things as they were and that is not possible. Ask your Supervising Self for a perspective change.
Aquarius: It appears your nerves are on edge. Therefore partners seem to be the irritant. Before you point fingers, give thought to what is “off” inside yourself. Maybe you are bored and need something fresh to focus upon. Perhaps you simply need to be alone for a day or two.
Pisces: You have the green light in the following areas: legal interests, travel, education or teaching, dealing with people at a distance, I.e. Via the Internet, your place of worship, and meditation. This door is open and positive for two weeks. Enjoy!
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Blog www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.