JULY 25, 2012
Desert Foothills Theater positions open

Set Designers and Stage Managers needed!
DFT is looking for experienced set designers and stage managers. We have a set builder and painting support, but are in need of qualified set designers. We also have positions available for stage managers. These are both paid positions. Payment is competitive with other community theaters in the valley.
Director Submissions
Are you an experienced director looking for an opportunity to direct for DFT? We'd love to hear from you. Our artistic committee is already beginning work on our 2013/2014 season and we will be looking for both youth theater and adult theater directors.
In addition, we have a very small (50-seat) black box and are looking for potential productions for that space that might have a longer run.
We have three performance spaces:
Large proscenium theater – seats 430
Large black box theater in same facility as proscenium – seats 150
Small black box theater in building next to main facility – seats 50
• Send a cover letter and resume outlining your directing experience.
• Send any DVDs (with self-addressed, stamped envelope) you may have of productions you have directed.
• Send a list of any upcoming productions you are directing that we may be able to see.
• Include your date preference for directing and/or any hard conflicts
Please send complete packet to: Desert Foothills Theater, 34250 N. 60th Street, Building B, Attention: Artistic Committee. You may also email to [email protected].
JULY 25, 2012
How have leadership skills changed over time for women?

WHAT: Exemplary Women Through Time: Lessons for Modern Leaders with Patricia Ronan, JD.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 1 from 5:30 – 7:30pm. Networking from 5:30 – 6 p.m. Meeting from 6 –7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Silverado Country Club, 7605 East Indian Bend Road in Scottsdale, AZ 85250. (Country Club is located behind a condo complex).
Cost: $25 for members and $30 for guests. You can pay by cash or check day of the event. You can also pay online using PayPal at www.bpwmetroaz.org . Cost includes meeting, guest speaker, beverage and 3 course dinner, tax and tip. Cash bar is also available.
Registration: To make a reservation, email [email protected] or register and pay online at www.bpwmetroaz.org .
As we face challenging times, leadership skills and abilities are challenged. However, there are some lessons to be learned from some of the women in our past that inform how to lead now.
This session will focus on the difference in leadership approaches in the stories of:
1. Christine di Pizan- Sophisticated late Medieval author who used her knowledge of the aristocracy and court practices to challenge misogyny
2. Madame Clicquot- entrepreneur in wartime France, famous now for her champagne
3. Harriet Tubman- liberator and leader of the Underground Railroad
4. Frances Perkins- First woman in a Presidential Cabinet, Secretary of Labor under FDR
Patricia Ronan will highlight differences in leadership approaches in the stories of four specific women. Patricia Ronan is an experienced state and federal litigator who has represented clients in matters involving employment discrimination, contracts, advertising, and financial fraud. Patricia considers litigation a mechanism to move past broken relationships, preserve boundaries between parties, and protect rights. Often, Patricia is able to negotiate constructive solutions for her clients without resorting to court action. In addition to her law degree, Patricia holds a graduate degree in history from the University of Cambridge.
Business and Professional Women (BPW) is the oldest women’s group in the nation, founded in 1919 and dedicated to achieving equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. Our vision is to promote full participation, equity and economic self-sufficiency for working women.
The local chapter, BPW Arizona’s platform includes economic equity: equal educational and economic opportunities, health: ensure reproductive choice and full access to all health services and education and civil rights: ensure equal rights and remedies for women in all phases of their lives.