JULY 18, 2012
Fuel wood permits now on sale

The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests has begun selling personal and commercial fuel wood permits for various types of dead/down and dead standing fuel wood. Permits can be purchased at any local Forest Service Ranger Station. Permits will not be sold out of the Forest Headquarters Office in Springerville, AZ.
The fuel wood cutting season is generally July 15th through December 31st and several types of permits are available.
There is a maximum of 10 cords of fuel wood per household per year. Permits may allow the felling of dead standing trees under 12 inches diameter breast height (4 1/2 feet off the ground) for these species: Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine, spruce, Alligator Juniper, White Fir and Subalpine Fir. Dead standing "shaggy bark" Utah Juniper (often referred to as 'cedar') and Pinyon Pine of any size may also be felled with a proper permit. If your permit allows, dead standing aspen, maple, and oak under 12 inches diameter breast height can be cut before September 15th. It is often difficult to tell a dead aspen or oak from one that just lost its leaves in autumn.
The cost varies by district and type of permit desired. Contact your local district for more details. No firewood may be cut for home use without a proper permit.
Click here for Black Mesa District info
Click here for Alpine and Springerville District Info.
Each district administers their own program and may have different policies and species available, so be sure to read your permit and accompanying information sheet before venturing out into the forest.
For more information visit www.fs.usda.gov/detail/asnf/passes-permits/?cid=fsbdev7_012896
Alpine Ranger District
P.O. Box 469 (mailing)
42634 Hwy. 180 (physical)
Alpine, AZ 85933
Voice: (928)339-500
TTY: (928)339-4566
Black Mesa Ranger District
P.O. Box 968 (mailing)
2748 East AZ 260 (physical)
Overgaard, AZ 85933
Voice: (928) 535-7300
TTY: (928) 535-3213
Clifton Ranger District
397240 AZ 75
Duncan, AZ 85534
Voice: (928) 687-8600
TTY: (928) 687-1807
Lakeside Ranger District
2022 W White Mtn. Bl.
Lakeside, AZ 85929
Voice: (928) 368-2100
TTY: (928) 368-5088