JULY 18, 2012
Foothills Food Bank needs your help

CAVE CREEK – The departure of our winter residents means fewer donations, so if you can provide some extra donations from now through October, you can make a difference in the lives of many in need. Personal care and baby essentials are often in short supply.
Executive Director Pam DePetrio says, “The shelves are at an all time low – the lowest I have seen them in the 10 years I have worked at the food bank. The demand is greater than ever. Up to now we have been able to keep up with the need, but that is no longer true.”
The July Wish List follows if you plan to shop personally and drop off your donation during their open hours at 6920 E. Cave Creek Rd.
Hours of Operation:
Mornings: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Afternoons: Thursday and Friday 1 – 4 p.m. (Except 3rd Thursday of each month)
Evenings: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 – 8 p.m.
July Wish List
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter and Crackers
Dry Instant Milk
Canned Pasta
Canned Tuna or Chicken
Canned soups, chili, stews
Canned Tomatoes, Sauce
and Paste
Toiletries and bars of soap
Please provide zip lock bags if you buy bulk items that will need repackaging.
If you’d like to make a monetary donation, you may drop it off during their open hours, 6920 E. Cave Creek Rd. in Cave Creek mail it to them, PO Box 715, Carefree, AZ 85377 or visit www.foothillsfoodbank.com.
For more information call 480-488-1145.
JULY 18, 2012
Summer brings many challenges to SW Wildlife
You are especially needed now

Some of SWCC’s greatest challenges come during spring and summer.
During these months, our wildlife rehab department sees its largest numbers, with many orphaned babies as well as sick, injured, lost, or displaced wildlife needing our help. Drought conditions are severe, with many reliable water sources drying up, forcing wildlife to travel long distances to find water. This displacement subjects them to additional dangers such as conflicts with other animals and humans, plus a greater risk of being hit by cars and more orphans. Wild fire also causes wildlife to move and leaves them with no home to return to.
At this time of year our staff literally works around the clock making formula, giving medications, feeding little ones every two hours, and caring for the sick and injured. Our volunteers are an enormous help, but summer vacations can disrupt the work schedule leaving staff short of help during our busiest time of year. Spring and summer mean more than just having additional wildlife to care for, as it is also the time of our greatest financial demands. Formula, medical supplies, medication, and food need to be purchased, electric bills need to be paid, as well as any unexpected expenditures, such as a costly well repair.
Many of the companies that SWCC relied on for donations of supplies, and many foundations that gave us much needed funds, are now only donating to humanitarian causes. With the rising cost of animal food and medicine this is yet another financial blow to SWCC. All come at a time when our donations are at their lowest point.
Each and every animal that comes through our doors is important to us and receives the best of care because of your generous donations. We simply could not do this without your help.
Together we are a team ... staff, volunteers and donors all work together to see the animals through, and get them back to the wild where they belong. We offer a home for life for those that can’t return, and they are able to educate future generations on the need to save wildlife.
When you donate to SWCC your entire donation goes for the care and well being of the animals.
To donate please visit www.Southwestwildlife.org.
JULY 18, 2012
CC Museum seeks mimeograph machine, volunteers

CAVE CREEK – Though Cave Creek Museum is closed for the summer, much is happening behind the scenes to prepare for the new season. The Museum has two very separate needs and is seeking the public’s assistance:
Mimeograph machine and other items sought for new exhibits:
As Cave Creek Museum prepares to re-open for the new season on Wednesday, October 3, it is seeking several items for its new “Office Through the Ages” exhibit, including a 10-key adding machine, old office furniture and a mimeograph machine to show how the community’s local newspapers were produced.
“Advancements in technology certainly have made work easier, but it is not nearly as interactive as it was many decades ago,” Evelyn Johnson, Cave Creek Museum’s executive director, said. “This new exhibit will include various tools and equipment from different eras to show how offices and the workplace have changed over the years.”
The Museum is also planning a new General Store exhibit and is seeking old fabrics, flour sacks, old Cracker Jack boxes and other old general store items.
Call for volunteers of all ages:
The Museum is seeking volunteers of all ages for a variety of positions, including docents and special project-based positions. Experience is not necessary, though a background in public speaking, education, hospitality, retail and merchandising, construction, and digital media will be helpful. Docent training orientations for volunteers are being planned.
While volunteers are needed now to build new exhibits, the Museum is in need of volunteers throughout the season for two very large ongoing projects: Digitizing more than 20,000 documents and work to restore the historic Golden Reef Stamp Mill, Cave Creek’s original Stamp Mill which dates back to 1880.
For more details or to volunteer, call 480-488-2764, or visit their website www.cavecreekmuseum.org.
Courtesy Photo
The comptometer was the first commercially successful key-driven mechanical calculator. Although the comptometer was primarily an adding machine, it could also do subtractions, multiplication and division. The name comptometer was formerly in wide use as a generic name for this class of calculating machine. It was produced from 1887 thru the mid 1970s.